July 18, 2012

Birthdaypalooza Part 2

I am fast falling behind on birthday posts!  Luckily I have a week to catch up before the last one. ;)  Here is Emma on the morning of her big day, enjoying being a big girl at the breakfast table.
I can't believe how fast a year has gone by!  I have to say, Emma has been one of the sweetest, happiest babies EVER.  I really can't think of a period of time when she's been extra fussy, or a bad sleeper, or anything.  She's really just happy to be around all the time.
 Here she is trying out her present.  A big girl chair for the car!  And here's where I have to take back my previous statement.....sort of.  All of a sudden lately she hates being in the car.  But since it started recently that doesn't disqualify her from being a good baby now does it?  The other kids think it's great fun that she can sit up a little with them in the car now.
 Here she is enjoying the party decorations that Parker insisted we have.  He even helped me blow up the balloons.  :)
 .....and apparently they taste good too?
 Here's the birthday girl ready for her dessert.
 When she didn't have a clue what to do with the candle her siblings were more than happy to step in and help out.  And I have to say....this was another one of those moments that made me SO HAPPY we have them ALL.  There's just nothing like the rousing chorus of "Happy Birthday" from four older siblings to melt your heart on a first birthday.  It was just as fun as the day we brought Baby Emma home to meet them.
 Then she dug right in to enjoy.  Yes, my frosting was a bit sad and melty, but she didn't mind. ;)

And if you're wondering from the pics above with the balloon......YES!  Emma can walk!!  Here's a quick video of it.  I was going to try and make it all cute with music and everything...but well, it was going to be tricky, and besides, then you wouldn't be able to hear Paige's cute voice in the background.

Emma Walking from Katie Morgan on Vimeo.

Happy birthday Emma girl!  We love you so much!!!


CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Happy belated birthday to Emma! She is soooo cute!!

Ashlee said...

OOoooh!!! I love that I got to see a video!!! Yay! And to hear Paige in the background was SO, SO sweet. Much better than music!

Happy Birthday Baby Emma!!!!