July 21, 2011


She's here!!
Emma Lee Morgan arrived Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 4:49 pm. She weighed 7 lbs. 13 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches long.

Things went smoothly and she is healthy and perfect in every way.

This is her post-bath picture so you can see her gorgeous hair. Yes, all of our babies have had hair like that at birth......Claire's just stopped growing for a while after that. ;)

Here she is ready to go home and meet her brothers and sisters! I have to say, bringing a new baby home to siblings is one of my favorite things ever. They were so excited to meet her. We kind of surprised them, because we had told them we probably wouldn't be home until Friday morning, (per the doctor's orders) but we got tired of sitting around in the hospital, everyone was doing great and I wanted to see all of my babies together. So we came home Thursday evening. As I walked to the door, I heard the kids notice us coming and Andrew yelled out, "It's Baby Emma!!" and then through the door he yelled to me, "Mom, did you turn into Baby Emma?!" I don't think he quite understood what had happened. ;)

When we brought her in, everyone rushed over and she was a hit! Her tiny toes were the most fascinating to all the kids.

Then it was time for snuggles. This big boy just LOVES his new sister. Can you tell? Even now a week later he likes to have a snuggle with her every morning. He takes his job as the biggest brother very seriously.

Claire was pretty hilarious. She got really excited, and a little upset all at the same time. It was like she knew that this tiny squirmy thing was something cool, but she couldn't figure out quite what. She kept waving her arms in the air and screaming until she calmed down a bit. Of course she wanted to grab her face and squish it at first, but over the last week she's learned (sort of) how to be soft.

Of course there's been a time or two when she's gotten jealous that I'm holding Emma and not her, but overall she's done really great. I've even caught her giving the baby kisses once or twice.

And this my friends is what it looks like to have 5 children. Five beautiful, precious spirits from Heaven that light up our world! We are so blessed to have them. Each one of them is so perfectly suited to our family in their own way. They add so much life to our home. And they love each other, which makes it all so much more worth it.

Baby Emma has continued our good baby streak, getting up only once at night, sleeping four hours at a time during the day and in general just being sweet. I can lay her on the couch in the midst of all of our commotion and confusion and she either sleeps through it or takes it all in. She really hasn't even fussed at all yet. I don't know how I lucked out to get that 5 times in a row, but I'll take it!!

Welcome home Baby Emma! We love you so much already!


Pokemon said...

Congratulations. She is a doll. I just love the picture with all 5 of them.

Ashlee said...

Look at that hair! Gorgeous! Wow! I still can't believe you have 5 and I have 3. How very grown up we are getting, no?!? Also, I am cracking up about Andrew thinking you had turned in to baby Emma. What in the world? You just never know what they are thinking huh?!? Darling, darling. She is so sweet... the kids look so cute altogether on the couch like that... and Parker is looking OH-SO grown up! When did that happen? When he turned 5? Who gave him permission to do that? He is looking more like Brandon in every picture you post. I love that he wants to be such a good biggest-brother. What an important job!

Love you my friend!

Brit said...

Ahhh she is just sweet as can be. Just like her brothers and sisters! And I just love her hair!

Anonymous said...

Katie!!! She is precious!! I love her hair! Cute kiddos!

Emily Dawn said...

congrats!!! Can't wait to hear the birth story:)

Heather@Women in the Scriptures said...

Oh, congrats! She is beautiful and your littles are so cute with her. That picture of them all on the couch is a treasure. What a blessing! Enjoy your babymoon!