July 30, 2012

Birthdaypalooza Part 3

Still behind....ah well...  Claire's birthday was one heck of a party.  As it should be.  She was so stinking cute.  It was like it hadn't even crossed her mind that all of this "Happy.....TO YOU!" would come around for her as well.  When she realized it had, she sang loudest of all to herself over her pancake breakfast.

After breakfast we decided to go for a game of bowling.  There's a fun kids bowl free program around here during the summer and we've been taking advantage of it.  It was the perfect way to celebrate.
The kids were so cute to cheer each other on no matter what the score.  Half of the time they forgot to even look and see how many pins they knocked down before they celebrated.  We were just there to have a good 'ole time with each other.
Parker and Andrew were big helpers for their sisters.
And pardon all the crazy different lighting in these shots.  Bowling alleys are horrible for lighting!  But I still thought these all were too dang cute not to post.  :)  And hey....I was there with 5 kiddos by myself.....I think I did a pretty dang good job to get these.
Parker was so funny.  He insisted that the kids use the rack to help them bowl, but he prefers to do it the "big boy way" himself.  He's a pretty serious guy.

It was so funny when the boys realized that because the bumpers were up, they could watch the ball roll back down to us underneath the lane.  They'd stay like this until they saw the ball coming and then high-tail it for the thing that pops them back up for you to see them come back.  It was hilarious...although a couple of times they got so far nosed up to it, I was worried we were going to end up with an injury.  ;)

Sadly by the time we'd come to our third birthday for the month already Mom was a bit caked out.  But knowing that Claire would neither know nor care, we made some box mix cupcakes, (without frosting even....oops!) and she was happy as could be.

This age with Claire has been so fun.  She is a party animal.  She's talking A LOT, singing all the time, ready for anything, the life of the party, and always good for a snuggle.  Especially with her Daddy.  We are SO BLESSED to have her in our family!  Love you Claire Bear!!!


Ashlee said...

Oh this is too cute! I love ALL of the bowling pictures. Their faces say it all! I can totally picture them cheering each other on and getting excited at the magical ball machines. I bet the people working there love you! They probably think your little crew is adorable!

And Happy Happy Birthday to Claire! She is looking so big! I couldn't believe how long her hair is in the birthday shots.

What a doll.

Love you friend!

Mindy said...

The photos are adorable, if not perfect. (And you captured the fun and the moment so well!!) Claire is so cute!! I miss seeing all your little ones (who are already getting too big!)