August 9, 2013

Birthdaypalooza 2013 Part 3

Isn't this girl beautiful?!  I just love her face.  Three days after Emma's birthday it was Claire's turn.  How is this girl three already?  We traded in some of the decor for purple, (her favorite color) and were set and ready to celebrate.

 In the morning we opened gifts via video with Grandma and Poppy.  They really came through for me on this one!  I've been wanting to get this girl some horses  - she loves horses! - but couldn't find what I wanted.  This was exactly it.  And it was a huge hit!  All of the kids loved it and played so nicely together for quite a while.

 Later in the afternoon it was time for Mom and Dad's gifts.  She got a little Minnie Mouse, who has become another favorite since potty training.  I honestly don't think she knew about her before then.  I took her to Walmart with me to pick out new underwear when the whole process started and Minnie was it!  In case you're wondering how potty training was a breeze!  And I was so worried because she had shown zero interest or readiness.  It was a few days and she's a pro.  She even stays dry all night, which is more than we can say for her brothers at that age!  ;)  Emma was pretty jealous of the whole thing and wants to try too, but I've gotta be honest...I'm the one who's not ready yet!  New potty-ness is not my favorite thing.  And I think she's really just jealous of "Mimi Mou" more than anything, so don't judge!  ;)
 And because he's adorable.....
 Mom and Dad also gave Claire this horse whom she dubbed "Button" after her favorite horse on "Horseland."
 Then time for cake!

 After cake, trusty ole Button helped her to open her presents from Grandma and Grandpa Morgan.
 She got her own sleeping bag, a book, and some clothes.  She was as thrilled with the sleeping bag as Emma!
 And since everyone was now properly equipped, we decided it was time for a real deal sleepover.  This is what six kids in one room looks like.  ;)  Honestly, most nights they're all in one room anyway, even if Mom isn't willing to blow up air beds.  Not sure why we're in a four bedroom house!  Sometimes people act as if our kids are missing out not having their own rooms.  To that I say "Ha!" They wouldn't want it anyway.  They're all together so much they don't know how to be alone. ;)

Oh how I love this girl!  She is a Mama's girl right now.  Almost to a fault.  When Dad says, "I love you," she replies, "I love Mom."  Or if she's feeling generous, "I love Mom....and you." She is with me almost all of the time.  I think if any one of my kids have failure to launch it's going to be her!  She has the cutest little laugh - which I probably shouldn't call little because it's a full on belly laugh - and loves to be tickled.  For as big of a stink as she can be to Dad, she loves to cuddle with him.  Any time he's on the couch, you can bet she's going to find him and want to snuggle up.  Paige is her best friend and she's almost always willing to go along with whatever Paige wants to do.  Claire loves to sing, but hates to perform on command, so you have to catch her cuteness in the moment.

Happy birthday to our Claire!  I love what a big girl you are becoming and can't wait for our friendship to grow even more as you get older!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Love that last picture! So, so cute! And what a fun looking sleepover! Even Noah??? Adorable!

Andrew is next? Yes? Looking forward to it!