August 8, 2013

Birthdaypalooza 2013 Part 2

In contrast to the last post this one is going to be a picture overload.  What can I say, Emma is hilarious, and she still loves the camera.  For her birthday the decor changed colors to turquoise, mostly because it coordinated well with Parker's blue and I wouldn't have to change out everything!  She also doesn't really know colors yet, other than to know that all the other kids have a favorite.  She can set the table and give everyone the correct color of plate, but then she'll hold up something yellow and tells me it's purple.

She turned 2 just four days after Parker's birthday.  And here she is showing you "how many."
 Some might say it's ridiculous how many times we light candles on a birthday - but we take every opportunity at this house.  And the singing never stops.  Emma loved it!  Well, the singing anyway. She even sang to herself most of the day, but she did not love the candles.  I think you can tell by the look on her face.  This girl knows what "hot" is and I think that's why. ;)
 After breakfast and a bath she opened her VERY OWN "Leepin' bag!" and some clothes and a book from Grandma and Grandpa Morgan.  She and Claire were the only ones without their own leepin' bags until this year and they felt it deeply.  Our kids love to break them out for a sleepover, and the little ones hated not having their own.  Although not to be left out of the fun they were always willing to improvise with blankets.  Emma's leepin' bag features, "Do-do-do-do-do Dora!"
 ....and I just threw this one in because the expression on her face is SO her and SO funny to me!  She was opening this box so very S-L-O-W-L-Y.
 The sleeping bag of course had to be tested out right away.

 Later in the day we got to open presents with Grandma and Poppy over video chat.  All of the kids did this and it was fun, but I don't have pictures of it because it was enough to keep the kids and the webcam under control.  She got some princesses and her very own purse from Grandma and Poppy.  Both items have been a huge hit with all the sisters.

Then before cake it was time for Mom and Dad's presents......
 .....her own baby!  Let me tell you, this girl is going to be one fabulous Mama.  She loves her brother Noah, and is always trying to *help* me with him.  If the kid lives through it all he'll be grateful someday I'm sure. ;)  Having her very own baby has been super fun for her.
 It even came with a carrier like Mom's.  She was so funny!  She sat there with this serious look on her face for quite a few minutes.
 Then it was cake and those blasted candles again!
 After a few feeble attempts at blowing them out Brandon took over and she closed her eyes.
Emma is such a silly goose these days and we all get a kick out of her!  She is also one big bucket of T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  I realized the other day, she's actually a lot like Parker was as a two year old.  Stubborn, terribly independent, doesn't want to be left out of anything and is always in the middle of EVERYTHING, and loves to throw things in the trash.  The one difference is that she doesn't use words quite as well as he did.....but let it be known this girl can still get her point across.  And here I should point out that just this last week she's improved exponentially in her speaking.  She's starting to string words together into full phrases and sentences.  But let it be known most of them are said at a shouting volume.  I guess you have to do that when you're #5!

To give an example of the kind of trouble she likes to get in, she's recently been found: in her crib with nail polish opened and painted all over her legs, behind the couch with five feet of floss tangled around her legs, (this one happens often) naked in the tub with Desitin all over her body, (the really THICK extra strong kind that doesn't wipe or wash off and repels water like a duck's back) and when you do find her somewhere she usually has a guilty look and is hastily trying to stash something in a drawer.  It's a good thing she's adorable.

One of our favorite things she does lately is her animal sounds.  The pig in particular.  She loves to make the piggy sound!  Soon after she came up with it - and don't ask me how she did...I have yet to figure it out - we were at the zoo and I was dying with laughter as we pulled up the stroller to the warthogs and she's trying with all her might to free herself of her buckles calling her piggy sound out and trying to get to them!  The video below shows a few of her favorites.....although I must say she doesn't usually say that a horse says "moo" but of course this was the one good shot I got and then she was no longer in the mood to oblige the paparazzi again.  Usually she says that the horse says, "Ee-haw!"

Happy birthday to our Emma girl!  We love her with all our hearts!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Oh she is a doll! I wish I could figure out how to do videos! It's so fun seeing your kids that way too, not just in photos. Can't wait to see the next party :)