May 1, 2013

Kiddie Fun

My kids get up to the funniest games.  I think this time Parker and Paige were pretending to be missionaries?  Can't remember for sure, but trust me, it was cute.  And Claire doesn't like to be left out of the photos.

Parker has a thing for cardboard.  Remember this?  We usually have plenty of it around between our frequent moves, and my online shopping obsession....and every once in a while I let him have some to create with.  This time he and Paige were robots.  Last week he was lucky enough to get a large box that he made the girls a princess castle out of and today was converted into a puppet show stage for sock puppets.

I wish I had more pictures of all the funny little things they do, but you know how it is!

And to be honest....sometimes I have to stop myself from squashing the fun.  Like today, we'd JUST finished breakfast, none of it was cleaned up and before I knew it I had socks and a whole art kit tipped out on the kitchen floor and kids begging me to sew buttons on their actual daily socks.  I was tempted to nag and yell and have them put it all away, but decided instead to let them have their fun and so what if the buttons ruined the socks!  They need new ones anyway.  And I'm glad I did.  They're only little so long.  And I'll miss the craziness someday...right?  The mess too....right?!!

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