May 1, 2013

Emma Girl

Our little Emma girl is so much fun!  She doesn't say a whole lot, (although that is changing every day...she's getting to where she will parrot a two word phrase back to us) but she does have a lot of personality!  We do call her Emma some, but most of the time it gets shortened to "Em" "Mems" or "Memsie".  Another favorite nickname is "Chunky Brewster" meant with the utmost love of course!  She loves to say that she is Daddy's "Lay-lay" (lady).  And when she is mad at him, she'll say, "No lay-lay!"

These are her very first pigtails back in February.  Sadly, we can't do them too much because it breaks her fine little hair.
 But we kinda like her natural froof anyway.

Emma is also our little Miss Independent.  Like all the others, everything is "do it myself."  One morning she got tired of waiting for me to get her dressed.  She went a got a pair of Noah's pants - cause she could reach them - and put them on.  She screamed like mad when I changed her because she wanted to wear what SHE had picked.
 And speaking of "Ba-by Buh"......she LOVES him.  Absolutely loves him.  The day I took these photos she was sitting on the couch watching her favorite show, (Sesame Street) and she put her little arm around him and sat there for a good half hour.  And yes, I supervise the snuggling, because while she does love him, she doesn't understand that when she's done, she can't just push him over.

And because I think you get a much better idea of them in action, here is a little video of her singing her favorite song about her favorite fuzzy red monster.

MVI 4353[1] from Katie Morgan on Vimeo.

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