May 2, 2013

3 Months

This is our sweet boy at three months.  After a crazy start, we've all settled in to life with him around, and it's just as if he were always here.  He's a good sweet baby.  Happy for any attention, and not too fussy if he doesn't get it for a bit.  He also can sleep through anything.

Since you know we like nicknames at our house, I'll tell you of the few he's had.  For the first two weeks of life he was "Terry" when he was fussy.  He screamed like we imagined a pterodactyl would when he had a little gas bubble.  Thank heavens he came home from the ICU without that.  Now our favorites are "No-No," "The No-ster," "No-ster Deluxe," and everyone's favorite, "Floody."  As in, "The Lord said to Noah there's gonna be a floody floody."  We get hours of entertainment out of that one!  Turns out "Floody" can be quite an accurate nickname for baby boys.  ;)  Not to mention the fact that we love making up our own verses to the song.  Here's a few:

"The Dad said to Noah, you're gettin' kinda whiny whiny, Dad said to Noah, you're gettin' kinda whiny whiny, gonna spank your - tiny heiny heiny!"

"The Mom said to Noah I'm gonna change your diapee diapee, Mom said to Noah, I'm gonna change your diapee diappee, get those poops off - with a wipee wipee!"

Yes, there's a lot of silliness at our house. ;)  Whataya gonna do?  It turns out, the name Noah is great for hours and hours of entertainment. And if I had a million dollars, I'd do up a whole nursery in a Noah's Ark theme for him and go hog wild with it.  He'll have to settle for one hand-me-down Ark themed blanket in a room full of sisters, mismatched furniture and a whole lot of love.  I think he's pretty lucky anyway!

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