May 8, 2013

Birthday Girl!

Paige turned 4 this year! just never stops, does it?  While it does make me sad to see it go by so fast, she is soooo much fun to watch grow.  We love our Princess Paige!  We had a special breakfast with her favorite "roll ups" (cinnamon rolls - not fancy, from the tube) eggs, and straw-ba-berries.

 Then it was off to church to bless our sweet baby Noah!  How much fun is that for one day?  And to top it off, we had some special company to share it with.  My parents, and my Grandma Karpowitz were lovely enough to come and share the weekend with us and celebrate.  It was nice to have some extra love around for our new baby boy.  I love this man, by the way.
 After church Parker was excited to give his sister a birthday present that he'd made for her all by himself, including the wrapping paper.  He made her a story book that he colored himself and then colored his own wrapping paper and stapled it up.  He couldn't wait to give it to her!  I thought it was so sweet that he'd come up with this on his own.  We haven't been terribly good at encouraging the kids to give gifts to each other and I was proud that he'd do it himself!  Those two are extra special friends.

Then Mom and Dad gave Paige her first gift.  Her "makin' girl" stuff!  Isn't she adorable?  Then she wanted to help make her own birthday cake.  We had plans for a beautiful pink princess cake, and ended up looking like kids helped with it.....but I think that made it even tastier.

 Parker insisted on writing "Happy Birthday Paige" himself on the cake.
 Then after dinner it was time to open presents!  She was certainly spoiled.  New shoes, a sorting set, pattern beads, princess accessories, new jammies from Grandma and Poppy.....
 a Cinderella dress and movie from Grandma and Grandpa Morgan,

and some girly stuff from Mom and Dad.  She always wants to have a purse like me, so we got her one of her very own and had fun filling it with things a big girl should have.  Sunglasses, lip gloss, a mirror, nail polish and the cute hat. 
We sure love our Paigey lady and had fun celebrating her special day!  She's already busy planning the next one.  It's kinda hard for her to go through birthdaypalooza in July and then have to wait all the way until April for her turn.  ;)

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Oh my stars! She's really growing up! 4????? Are you sure????

And that Parker! Give him a secret hug from me will ya? What a cute older brother. You can see the love in these pictures.

I love your family Kate. So beautiful. So fun.

And happy, happy Birthday to Paige. I'm glad she got spoiled. She looked too cute in all her girly get-up!