March 26, 2013

Pumpkin Time!

Pumpkin carving was a lot of fun this year.  Most of the kids are really getting big enough to enjoy it....although I will say I'm glad Brandon talked me out of getting one for each kid.  Because they are still small enough that I don't love them carving their own and Brandon and I had our work cut out for us with the three we did carve.  And it was just as well.  Claire wanted nothing to do with the whole affair, and Emma was content to watch anyway.

 Parker did talk us in to letting him carve the lid off.  He probably would have been happy to carve the entire thing himself, but he picked a pretty tricky design, so we helped more than he liked.

In the past we'd always thought the kits were so silly....but really, these turned out pretty cool, don't you think?!

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