March 27, 2013

Halloween Party

On Halloween we decided to have a little impromptu party with our friends.  Like two days before I messaged them asking them to come and wear their costumes; the day before I made a mad dash to target buying a cheap pre-made craft, a cheap pre-made game, and all the candy you could possibly want to make some sort of ghoulish cupcake.  It was pretty lame-o on my part, but you know what?  The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever.  You know how long it feels to wait and wait for Halloween at that age,  and then the day comes and you wait all day for trunk-or-treat, (in our case) and it's over in one glorious candy-crazed-mad-dashing half hour.  They were glad to have a little extra fun and to share it with their friends.  They didn't know any better to expect anything fancy either.  Throw a straw in their drink, dress up, invite guests and in their minds you've got the recipe for a perfect party.  Hopefully our friends didn't think it was too lame.  And hopefully someday I'll get better at party planning!
 Our craft was these cute little masks with foam stickies for the decorating.  Parker went wild with them.  Obviously.
 Then we played "pin the nose on the pumpkin."

 I spy a cheater cheater pumpkin eater!  And a brother throwing a fit over it.  Oy!  Those two!
Paige and her toungue!  She always has it hanging out.
 For the cupcake decorating, I'd looked up all sorts of cute ideas for spider cupcakes, frankensteins, etc. but in the end it was a competition to see who could stuff their faces with the most candy before moms stepped in to object.

We had so much fun!  Since this time, some of these friends have moved, we've moved and the nearest target is an hour away.  I think I'm going to need to make more cupcakes to cheer myself up!

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