May 17, 2012

Keepin' it Cool

It is already popsicle weather here in Kansas.  Heaven help us by the end of summer!  But there are two good things I love about a homemade popsicle.  One, I think the messy faces are absolutely adorable, and a good excuse for a bath at the end of a hot sticky day; and two, even though Andrew only believes in two food groups - one being vegetables, (inedible) and the other being "real food" - he'll eat anything that is colorful and frozen in the shape of a rocket or a "shooting star."  Even if Mom hides spinach in it, or (EEK!) didn't actually use any sugar to make it.  ;)

I think Claire was absolutely floored that I was taking pictures of her instead of getting her busted for being so messy.  She wouldn't actually look at me for any of these pictures.  But HOLY COW does that girl know how to eat a popsicle.  Or maybe the problem is that she doesn't.  It would probably depend on whether you ask Mom or Dad.  ;)  I wish I could have gotten a better shot of that right knee.....she was absolutely slathered there.
And in the hair.....

In case anyone is interested, these popsicles were fresh strawberries, a mix of frozen raspberries and blueberries, a banana, a splash of OJ and a whole bunch of spinach.  We also made a batch of "fudgesicles" with raw cashews, banana, cocoa and vanilla.  Mmmmm.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Woah Claire! That's a talent! It looks like she was thinking of it more as body paint than a popsicle. Maybe she wanted to get cool by rubbing the thing all over instead of by eating it? So funny!