June 11, 2012

Date Night

Do these faces say trouble or what?  These boys and their Mama had a little date night tonight.  It was well deserved by all of us if I may say so. ;)  We'd been to Michael's earlier in the day and the boys had been told that they could pick out a crafty/artsy project.  But while Mama was busy picking out supplies for a church activity Paige was busy grabbing as many iron-on appliques as she could get her sticky little mitts on.  When she was told that no, she could not have them just because they were pretty she proceeded to have a full on melt down.  We're talking sitting on the floor, kicking and SCREAMING.  Needless to say we packed up and headed out without any thought for what else we needed to get.  The boys handled it with brave faces and were assured that their good behavior wouldn't go unrewarded.  So rewarded they were! Water guns from Walmart, (Parker needed reassurance that they carried some that were just as good as Target's.  I think his Mama's preferences are rubbing off?) and dipped cones at DQ afterwards.  We may not have a project going on tomorrow, but we sure will have a battle; likely of epic proportions.  I am oh so glad that we're getting to the point where a melt down from one doesn't triggor a ripple effect through all five.    Yikes!

1 comment:

Amberlin Gefrom said...

Ha ha awesome!!! water fights are the best! :-)