May 17, 2012


This boy is getting too stinking big. And I'm not adjusting well to it. ;) Okay, okay, I love seeing all that he can do and the little man that he is turning into.  I am so proud of him.  It's just all happening way too fast.  Can you believe this boy is going to be 6 this year?!
I have to admit, I take the smiling shots of this one for the Grandmas.  But I've gotten to where I actually prefer his handsome little serious face for myself.  Doesn't it just melt your heart?

And....a funny story.  So this morning I overheard the boys playing "school" (oh so very seriously).  Parker of course is the teacher and Andrew asks, "WHAT is the INTENTION of these letters?!"  Parker replied, "The intention - STUDENT - is that the letters all make different sounds."  I love to listen in on them when they don't realize it.  It's always good for a little chuckle.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I'm a sucker for the serious shots too. :)