April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

Our Easter celebrations started on Saturday with some artwork.  Cotton ball bunnies and watercolor paintings.
As you can see we like to let the kids have their "artistic license".  It makes for some funny bunnies.
These two boys......clones.  Parker loves to do anything with his Daddy and ended up having to copy Dad's painting to be just like him.

The girls got in on the fun too.  And lucky for me Claire didn't seem to notice that she was given crayons instead of paints.
We used our paintings to decorate for Sunday.  {Notice the paintings on the top middle that are painted alike?  Left is Brandon's, and right is Parker's copy.}
Here's where I have to say that I love having early church on Easter Sunday.  Our ward meets at 8:30 and it was so nice to start out the day with a sacrament meeting reminding us what Easter is for.  Reminding us of our Savior and His resurrection.  It set the tone for the whole day and was so nice.

Then after lunch and some naps we let the kids have Easter baskets from Mom and Dad.

This is when Paige was told that only one bottle of bubbles was for her.  SPOILED!!

Then outside to hunt for Eggs.  Again this year we hid our "Resurrection Eggs" each with a symbol and a scripture reminding us of His death and resurrection.
The boys were speedy......but also not very careful.  So everyone was able to get some eggs.

Claire did need a little help. ; )

We followed up our egg hunt with the video The Lamb of God.  It was a beautiful day and left us so grateful for all that we have been given.


Gma Smith said...

What a fun day. Thanks for the pictures. They are all so adorable. Parker is indeed an artist. I am impressed...

Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

Looks like you guys are ally enjoying Kansas and all your family time. That is awesome. Miss you guys!

Aunt Karlene said...

Thanks for sending us a link to your blog. I have been enjoying it all along even though I haven't commented before. Your new home and community surroundings look wonderful, and your kids are so adoreable. Also, they have amazing parents! Aunt Karlene

Ashlee said...

I never commented and told you how adorable I thought this post was! Shame on me! Very, very cute. I didn't do one fun thing with the kids for Easter- just our devotional in the morning. I need to get on that!