April 16, 2012

She's Just Too Big!

Emma's been learning some new tricks lately.  She loves to pull herself up to things; her favorite being the bottom step.  The other night she managed to pull up to it and swing her legs on too and she was just laying there on her belly with the biggest grin ever - like, "Look at me....I'm TRICKY!"  The one problem is that then her chubby little legs get tired and she either doesn't know how to get back down to a sitting position or she's too afraid to plop.  So she just cries for mama to help.  I gotta say, all this standing up business is cute, but it makes me sad.  She's not a baby anymore!!!


Mindy said...

She is getting bigger! So adorable!! (I wouldn't expect anything less from a Morgan kiddo ;).

Miss you guys!

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

She is sooo cute! I miss you guys too. Stay safe!

Brit said...

She looks soooo grown up! I can't even believe it. What a CUTIE!

Ashlee said...

Yay! An Emma Post! Too cute. I can imagine the look on her dear little face!