April 2, 2012


One thing I've learned being a mom that has been constantly reinforced along our homeschool adventure is that WE don't TEACH them ANYTHING.  THEY LEARN IT.  We present opportunities for learning, we may give them facts, but all the credit belongs to these precious little spirits who soak up knowledge like a sponge.  I am constantly amazed by the abilities of my children and it is absolutely humbling to be their mother.  They are capable of SO MUCH.  And they have such a strong desire to learn.

Parker has been learning about sentences lately and working on his writing skills.  The example above is from an assignment given where he was to pick out only the complete sentences from a list and copy them to see the story they made when put together.  He has also been working on spelling words.  And here's where the real bragging comes in.  I got him a first grade spelling book.  The lists started with two and three letter words; at, and, is, big, did, etc. and there were at most 5 words on each weekly list to start.  Well, when I gave him the spelling words on the first day of the week and he could already spell them two weeks in a row, I knew the program was WAY too easy for him.  So we bumped up to a second grade book.  Looking at the first list, I was worried it would be too hard now.  There were twelve words to the first list, and not all were spelled exactly as they sounded.  Words like days, sick, cake, word.  He did amazing.  It was a bit of a challenge, but by the end of the week he had them all mastered easily.  I am so stinking proud.  And I had to brag.  :)

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