April 5, 2011

FHE Success

We had a wildly successful Family Home Evening Monday night; thanks are largely due to my man. Sometimes it takes him pointing out to me that my boys will pay more attention if swords are involved.

We started out the night watching this movie clip:
After that we discussed the "Armor of God"; what each piece of armor stood for and how we can symbolically put it on each day. We also discussed why it is so important to be spiritually prepared to avoid life's temptations.

Then came the big hit. We let the kids take turns dressing up in the "Armor of God"; as each piece was put on we asked them, (or prompted as the case may be) for something they could do to spiritually prepare themselves each day.

Then Dad threw the "fiery darts of the adversary at them", shouting out things they might be tempted to do.

As you can see, they withstood temptation!

Afterwards we gave the kids this handout to color, cut and paste.

Seriously, so much fun. In fact, maybe a little too fun, because we had some serious tears when it was time to put the armor away.

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Unknown said...

That is a great idea. We need to be better at having FHE in our home.

Pokemon said...

Now that was one FHE. I love it. Would you mind if you posted a link to this on my blog or would you rather I just share the idea? So fun, effective, and cute!

Ashlee said...

Ummm... I am TOTALLY stealing this idea. My boys are gonna LOVE it. What kid wouldn't? Paige looks so cute in these pictures! They all do! Thanks for the good idea! I can see Corey throwing the fiery darts in my head... Maybe I will do that part :)

Brit said...

Love this idea! And of course love the darling pictures of your kiddos!