April 5, 2011

Winner Winner Chicken-LESS Dinner

You should know that I gave myself a good chuckle over the title of this post. :) I don't have any pictures to go along with this, but we finally found a good vegetable noodle stir-fry sauce (er-thingy) that we like!! This will probably become a regular menu item at our house; Honeybear likes him some good asian noodles, and is more happy about going meat-less when I can give him some comfort food like this. Heck, we all know he puts up with a lot so I'm happy to oblige.

For the sauce:
3/4 c. water
1 T chicken bouillon powder
1 T sugar
2 T white wine vinegar (the original recipe called for Sherry, but obviously I don't have a bottle of that lying around.)
1 T oyster sauce (this stuff made ALL the difference)
1/2 t salt
1 t cornstarch

Mix all together in a saucepot and heat until thickened. Pour over your favorite stir fry. We had ours with green onions, carrots, water chestnuts, mushrooms and peas. Also chinese egg noodles. You know, the lo mein sort. I have yet to find them in Vernal, but I did find some at Sunflower Market last time I was out visiting the folks. I tried rice noodles once before, but Honeybear called that a no-go. ;) Anyway, the sky is the limit. Also, you won't need every bit of sauce, as it is rather concentrated. But according to the site where I found this, it will keep in the fridge for about 4 weeks.


Ashlee said...

Hehe. I am laughing at you... laughing at your post title :) It made me giggle too :)

Ashlee said...

Oh! And I have seen Oyster Sauce in things before and the name scared me away from trying those recipes... I'm glad you tried it first! We'll have to give this a go!

Cal and Whit said...

Ha! I totally agree with Ash's comments, both of them! I laughed at your title and also, the oyster sauce makes me shy away from recipes too! Maybe i'll have to give this one a try too!