June 21, 2010

Pregnancy Ramblings

I've just been thinking tonight about the funny little differences between a first pregnancy and a fourth. Particularly when those four pregnancies happen to occur consecutively - P Doodle will celebrate his 4th birthday exactly one week before the big day!

1st- I could always tell you down to the day how far along I was.......as in "I'm 16 weeks and 3 days today".
4th- I have to ask the nurse at each doctor's office visit how far along I am, or check my blog ticker.

1st- It seemed to drag on for-ev-er. Especially the last four weeks. Ask Brandon, I was miserable to live with, because I just couldn't see how it was ever going to end.
4th- It's gone by so fast I can't even believe it. Just today I went into the storage room and while looking for a can of peaches, found the baby carseat, and thought, "Oh yeah. I guess I should get that out and wash it soon." Hadn't even thought of that to-do item yet. Not to mention the fact that no baby clothes are out and washed yet......with Parker they were long in the drawers and ready to go by now.

1st- I gained 37 pounds. I was a whale. I totally used the excuse of being pregnant to not worry about what I ate, how I exercised, and generally just do whatever I wanted. And I was in denial. Again, refer to my husband. He will tell you the truth. Enough said.
4th- After realizing all that extra weight doesn't magically fall off when baby comes, (and tends to accumulate over multiple babies) I've been much more careful and healthy! As of 34 weeks, I had only gained 16 pounds. And I weigh, (this is so embarrassing) close to 30 pounds less than I did at the end of the first pregnancy. Not bad, huh? Of course, the last two weeks I've been a little out of control in the dessert department again, so I better watch it for the last few left to go!

1st- I used to make Brandon watch every little kick and movement on my belly. He would get so tired of me grabbing his hand, pressing it to my tummy and saying, "Feel this!" Not that he doesn't think it's cool.....he's just the type that has an easier time bonding with baby after it's actually here; in his arms.
4th- The only time he feels baby kick is if he asks to, or if I'm cuddled up behind him at night and the baby gives him a good kick in the back.

1st- I was obsessive over wanting Brandon to be fully involved in everything. I took him to absolutely every appointment. And he was a great sport about it. ;)
4th- Brandon didn't even get to come to the ultrasound this time. He would have loved to, but had to work, and I wasn't worried about shifting schedules to make it happen. I did take him to my last appointment when he happened to be in town, because I thought he ought to at least meet our new doctor once beforehand.......and we needed to get their two schedules together to decide when this birthday party could happen with both of them in the same town at the same time.

The one thing that hasn't changed? I hate maternity pants. Hello! Is there no better option than either hitching your pants up to your armpits, or constantly having them fall down? Because neither is at all comfortable. Maternity shirts and dresses have really just gotten cuter and cuter, but can somebody please do something about the pants?!

Okay, back to the point. Really, each pregnancy has been so special and so unique, but I've enjoyed them all in different ways. I've learned that time flies by way too fast. I look at P Doodle all the time, and wish I could slow it down just a bit. As much as I love watching him grow and progress and enjoy experiencing new things, I wish I'd enjoyed the ride a bit better rather than always looking forward to the next step. I'm revelling in these last few weeks of pregnancy and drinking up every kick and every wiggle, because I so enjoy the special feeling of having a baby grow inside you, and be part of you. It is such a miracle, and it is over oh so fast. Snuggling a newborn is even better, but it can't replace that incredible feeling.

Sorry if the baby talk is getting old......what can I say? It's what's on my mind.


Hannah said...

This was fun for me to read as I have experienced a lot of these same differences this time around. I can't believe you've only gained 16 pounds though! I have gotten bigger faster with this pregnancy compared to my first and I've gained 14 lbs at 25 weeks. Really, I'm on track for a regular weight gain, but I feel like my belly has expanded so much faster this time. Also, I weigh as much right now as I did when I delivered my first. Ugh. I've just never gotten back down to what I weighed before getting pregnant the first time...after this one, right? Can't wait to hear about your new addition!

Unknown said...

I think there is even a difference between the first and the second. At least in my case there has been. My husband is much like yours I think. He could care less about feeling the baby kick inside me. He just wants them to be here and to feel them in his arms. I can't wait for you to post pictures of the newest addition!

Brandon said...

You haven't solved the maternity pants problem because you've never asked a man.

One word......suspenders!

Cal and Whit said...

I loved your pregnancy ramblings! This was such a fun post to read, also, I laughed right out loud sitting here at my computer when I read Brandon's comment...suspenders!?! Hilarious! ha ha ha!!!