July 1, 2010

Things I Love About My Girl

Princess P is a big girl. And we all know I don't mean in size. She just has this personality that radiates beyond the physical bounds of her tiny little body. You can see it when she comes bouncing down the hallway in the morning with a huge smile on her face, crazy bedhead flopping along with every step as she looks for her brothers, ready to get in on the action. She's made her mark on this family in a huge way, and we all love her like crazy. Here are just a few of my favorite things about her:
  • The way she adores her Daddy. I'll never forget the day she was born, holding her in my arms, snuggling her for a quiet moment; then from across the room Brandon spoke, and immediately she turned her head to find his voice. She's been Daddy's girl ever since, and accordingly, has had Daddy wrapped around her finger ever since.
  • The way she idolizes her bothers. The girl gets angry if she doesn't get good night kisses from them. She's constantly trying to copy their every move, (especially the most dangerous and tricky ones) and play with their toys.....do whatever it takes to be included in their fun.
  • The way she follows me around and imitates what I do; everything from folding laundry and putting away dishes to scrubbing the toilet. She tries to do it all as well. And if she can't get up high enough to do what I'm doing, she'll often go get her blankie and lay down at my feet to wait for me.
  • The way she LOVES. I've never seen a baby so aware of others around her from such an early age. Her hugs and kisses are magic and coveted by all of us.
  • Her mischievousness. She's a monkey. She's always trying to climb higher, and go big. At the park last week, for the first time I let her go free on the playground, thinking she'd maybe do the baby slide and go up and down the stairs. Oh no. That wasn't enough for her. She was running all over and walked right up to a slide that P Doodle wouldn't try for over a year and off the end of it. Her love for tricks and all things crazy has won her quite a few bumps and bruises, but she's tough and she keeps going. (I thought you weren't supposed to have to worry about that with girls like you do boys?!)
  • Her voice. I love to hear her call out "Mama!" in the mornings when she's ready to get out of bed, or when she's facing backwards in her carseat and just wants to be reassured that I'm still there with her. I love to hear her ask for "Dada" and see the look on his face as his heart melts into a million pieces. I love that she already knows how to ask for a cup, her shoes, tell us all "ni-night" and "ba-bye". And even though she's sweet, she's got plenty of sass. She knows how to tell us when she's not satisfied. And everyone around here jumps to make it all better. She is the princess after all.
There's just something special about a little girl. There's a tangible sweetness that is evident even when she's being naughty........(although according to Daddy, she never is). I'm so excited to have another sweet little girl around. Even though I know there's a good possibility these little ladies will be as different as night and day; (as their brothers often are) it's the differences that make us love them even more. Each one of our babies is so special and precious in their own way. The amazing amount of love you have for one only grows exponentially as more come along, and you have so many reasons to love them all deeply and differently. The countdown is on! Two weeks from tomorrow!

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