June 16, 2010

Thoughts Approaching "D" Day

Because of our situation with Daddy being out of town, the birth of our precious Baby Claire has been planned. Call me crazy; He's only four hours away, but there is just something that puts me into a panic thinking about even the chance of going through a labor and delivery without my best friend, epidural or no. That day is one month from today, and lately it's all I can think about.

Each one of my children's birth days is so special to me. I have the most horrible memory in the world. I can't tell you what I did on Monday of this week, and I can never remember the date, but I can tell you every minute detail of each of the days my babies were born.

I look forward to this special day, but I'm also anxious. If you think that having four kids in four years sounds crazy, think about the view from where I'm sitting. But I KNOW that Baby Claire is supposed to be coming to us now, as all of our children have come exactly when they were supposed to have. She has already stolen a special place in my heart and made it her own, without having met her yet.

I read this post today, and it reminded me what a privilege and responsibility it is to be a mother. That some of the most important things we do are often the ones we overlook. It has motivated me to do better. To more often put aside my own wants of having a nap, or a little blogging time, or a nicer wardrobe, (you get the picture) and put my family first. To make sure that our home is clean and orderly, yet comfy and cozy so that it's the first place my family wants to be. To put aside my vanity for frugality so that I can continue to stay home and love my littles for the too-short time I can call them mine. To be a better example so that my girls will know that their role is important and not mundane. So that they will be proud of it, instead of frustrated by it. So that my boys will honor it the way my husband does.

I also read this post not too long ago, and it got me thinking about how hard mothers are being attacked right now. Mainstream media would have us believe that not only is it impossible to live up to the "supermom" ideal of long ago, but that we shouldn't want to anyway. That in doing so we're somehow being stepped on or taken advantage of, so we should all cry out in protest and think more about "me". I am not trying to say that we shouldn't be realistic in our expectations, and that we shouldn't also take care of ourselves........BUT.....I truly, truly believe that women were given this specific role because it is the best way for us to learn to be like our Savior. To be selfless, to sacrifice, to find joy in serving and loving others. Therefore, we should try a little harder. We should whine a little less, smile a little more, and scrub that toilet with a little more enthusiasm. I know that this is something I've had to work on, and I still have a long way to go......but in the long run, I have never gotten more joy out of any other aspect of my life than that of my role as a wife and mother. Nobody has ever made me feel more special than my husband or children, and I know it is worth it to work harder for them and get that special feeling in return.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder. . .I think when we signed up for motherhood, we signed up to be selfless, whether or not we always want to. It's not always easy to put someone else's needs above our own, but we can do it and there is so much strength that comes from it! I try to remember how hard my husband works, and how much time he sacrifices away from us so that I can be at home, and that always gives me the courage to get off the couch on the hard days. We really are so lucky, aren't we?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Katie!! I needed this! My word do you really have only a month left?? We can't wait to meet baby Claire!!