December 11, 2009

Saving a Stamp or Two

If I were the Christmas card sendin' sort of gal, (meaning if I could spend the money on the photos, cute paper, and stamps) this is what I would send to all of you:

Happy Holidays family and friends! We hope that this message finds you all well and happy. We've loved our first full year in our new (old) home and feel so blessed to be where we are. We really feel that the decision to move here to Vernal was an inspired one. We miss being close to family and friends, but we've found some adopted grandparents in the ward to keep us from being lonely! I have also found that I am not quite the city girl I thought I times even Vernal feels too crazy to me.

Brandon has learned that being a homeowner has some drawbacks as well as the perks. Like, doing your own yardwork, fixing your own leaky faucets, and all of the "honey-do" projects that come along with updating and changing things to suit our tastes. We thought last Christmas that it would be so fun to finally be able to put up lights was so much work, we never really got around to it this year! Between work, church, daddy time and honey-do's he hasn't had as much time this last year for all the fishing he would like - although he did get in one special fishing trip! Brandon has also been working on some on-line credits through BYU to finish his degree. Anyone want to try that load? I'm sure glad I have him around to "git-r-done!"

I'm busy as usual being mom. My routine doesn't vary much, but to be honest, I wouldn't trade with anyone! I love being there for all of the "little things" that happen every day. I think I drive Brandon nuts with my list of "guess what happened today" when he comes home from work. Having three children in three years has taught me a lot of patience, love, and has brought me closer to my Savior as I've tried to learn to be more selfless and charitable. Knowing how much I love my children and want them to succeed reinforces my testimony that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us very much and gives us every opportunity to correct our mistakes and return to him.

P Doodle is "the biggest boy in the whole 'tire world!" He had a couple of milestones this year, including learning to pedal his own bike, and wearing big boy undies! Wahoo! Only two in diapers! P Doodle never ceases to amaze me with his excellent memory, and ability to understand the world around him. I always have to remind myself that he really is only three and that sometimes, I expect a lot of him because he acts so big. How would I describe him? He is his Daddy. He is funny, smart, athletic, and totally confident in his ability to do anything he puts his mind to. He is also sassy, and not about to do anything that he doesn't see a good reason for. He's my little man, and he takes good care of the rest of us while Daddy's gone at work! He's also a hard worker, and gets right in there whenever Daddy has a project going on, or Mom needs help around the house.

Babycakes has also had a big year. He has grown so much. His vocabulary exploded this year. He went from being our quiet easy going guy, to bursting with something to say all the time. Sometimes Mom is the only one who understands his words, but they are sure there! He's also learned his colors, most letters, and loves to count and look at books. While Doodle is Daddy's boy, Babycakes is Mama's. He loves to "nuggle" and the day just doesn't start right if it doesn't start with one. He is also getting to where he is not about to be left out of any big boy fun. He's our sweetheart and always has a hug and a smile for anyone.

Princess P has brought so much joy and happiness to our home this year. Brandon and I have both felt that she filled a space in our home that we didn't realize was missing anything until she came along. Her brothers love her and take good care of long as she doesn't wreck their trains. She also has Daddy wrapped around her little finger already. Maybe he's just matured a bit, but he sure has enjoyed the baby stage a lot more this time around, and something tells me that "Daddy's girl" has something to do with that! She always saves her sweetest smiles for her Daddy. Princess P is on the go already; she crawls, and stands and can't wait to keep up with those brothers.

We're so grateful for all that we've been blessed with this year and send our best wishes to you this Christmas season!

Maybe someday I'll really send actual Christmas cards in the mail........

In keeping with my goal, here's what I'm grateful for today:
  • The comfort of a warm bowl of soup.
  • A warm house when it's -11 degrees outside! (Can you tell I'm cold?)
  • When the bagger at the grocery store offers to help me out to my car with my load and three kids.
  • A night off from cooking thanks to the ward Christmas party!

1 comment:

Pokemon said...

Super cute family picture. Your family looks so big. It is amazing how much each person adds to a family. And I am with you on saving a stamp or two...thus the reason I sent out a little baby annoucement through email. I figured it was either that or nothing. Thanks for sharing your cute family picture. :)