December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving in Review

Sorry for the lack of posting lately....we've been recovering from our Thanksgiving trip. You know how that is.....the kids have to get back on their sleeping schedule, eating schedule, etc. It's been a little harder this time because the kids and I all came home with colds. So, needless to say, nobody's sleeping or eating normally. And, I've been a lazy slob. But I want to push on with my gratitude posts, because I've really seen a difference in my attitude when I'm thinking about what I'm grateful for.

Today I'm grateful for: our extended family.

We had a great time with everyone over Thanksgiving! Grandma Judy put on a great dinner, and it was nice to see everyone again. The highlights for us were:
Babycakes snuggling with Uncle Dillon,

Princess P getting some bling....isn't she pretty? We don't have many "girly" things to play with, (give me a break, I'm a boy mom!) and she loved it!

Scallywags! P Doodle never misses a chance to play pirate.

After Thanksgiving was over, we had a chance to head down south and see my brother and fam, which doesn't happen often. P Doodle and cousin Jack had a great time! So much fun, in fact, that I couldn't get them to hold still for a picture together, so this is the best I got.

All 10 grandkids got to be together to open their Christmas jammies from Grandma and Poppy!

The girls showing off their jammies....

and the boys. Sorry, Babycakes was pretty tired, and the boys weren't as jazzed about posing for pics as the girls were.
The holidays are a great time to get together with the fam, and we were grateful to be able to see everyone this year. We love you all and appreciate the support you give to us while we do the best we can raising our yay-hoos!

For catch up, I'm also grateful for:
  • My new Christmas dishes from Grandma K!
  • Grandma K sharing some of our family history with me.
  • A husband that doesn't complain about my lack of "git-r-done" when I'm sick.
  • A husband that loves me enough to build me a warm cozy fire every morning before he leaves for work.
  • The way my kids make me laugh every day.
  • Fast and testimony meeting.
  • The funny things primary kids say.
  • My van, and it's cozy seatwarmers......and the fact that I haven't really had to go anywhere in it lately.
  • The generosity of others who give their "widow's mite".
  • The opportunity to serve love them and be loved in return.
  • Clean sheets.
  • When my kids wake up with clean sheets.
  • Cold medicine!


Cal and Whit said...

That princess P is darling in her necklace, and the pirate picture is so cute! What a fun holiday you guys had! Looks like it was a blast!

Brit said...

Ok- Holy cow Kaite... you are skinny! How in the heck do you do it with 3 kids? I guess I just answered my own question haha. It looks like you had a good Thanksgiving. I'm sorry you guys are all sick. Hope you feel better soon. I'll call you tomorrow to tell u what we're having. Yay!

Ashlee said...

I really liked reading your thankful for posts... this one especially. Thank YOU for being such a good example. Love you friend :)

ps- you look totally gorgeous in that picture.