September 1, 2009

Kicking My Rear in Gear

My life has been in need of some major organization lately......I must say, I think I've come a long way, but there is still room for much improvement. I started out as a working mom who never did anything around the house if I could avoid it because I was too exhausted after work and school, (think stinky dishes in the sink until we didn't have any more clean ones!) then moved on to the stay at home mom who didn't have a clue and would sit around watching Judge Judy for hours at a time, (hey we only had two channels). I've made some big strides since then and for the most part our house is always clean and my family has three square a day homemade by yours truly.....but it's still a bit chaotic making it all happen. I have way too many of those days where we're all in our jammies until lunch and I know Brandon's going to walk in and wonder what we've all been doing all morning; or days where I know I've been working my rump off, but can't really figure out doing what, and why is the house still a wreck?!

So here's a couple of things that have helped. I need routine. If I know exactly what I need to do, no excuses, it's more likely to get done. A couple of changes we've added to our day......devotional, and morning routine. Now I know when I explain this some of you are going to be thinking, it's taken you three years to start doing this with your kids?! But hey....I'm just keeping it real.

Devotional: every morning as soon as Dad leaves for work, the kids and I sit down together, sing an opening song, have an opening prayer, discuss a scripture story, (usually from the Gospel Art Kit) sing again, and have a closing prayer. This will hopefully someday morph into their own personal scripture study. Again, I know it sounds simple....but this makes the start of our day so much more peaceful. It gives me the oomph I need to look at all that I need to get done in a more positive light. And it has made a huge difference in the boys. It starts them off on the right foot as well. They have learned so much in the few weeks we've been doing it, and I've noticed an improvement in their behavior. (You may also be wondering, why devotional, rather than scripture study? With Parker, a fancy name makes anything more exciting.)

Morning routine. Again, simple, but so much more efficient. As soon as devotional is over we troop off to the bathroom and the boys brush teeth, and wash faces. Then it's time to get dressed and make beds and do any other "pick-up" in their room that needs to get done. What makes this different than before? It's done by 8:30 for sure, rather than whenever we get around to it. There's no complaining, it's just what we do. And the boys have learned to take an active part. They take their dirty clothes to the hamper, not me. They do the pickup, not me. This makes my day so much less hectic. Rather than wondering where to's laid out for me, and I have help too!

After that, it's free time while Mommy does her "morning routine" of getting dressed and doing a general cleanup of the house. Then each day we make sure to do at least one physical activity and one educational activity. Things as simple as go to the park or the library. Read books, fingerpaint....etc. You get the idea. It may not sound like much, but once I get the basics out of the way, the rest of the day falls into place so much easier. Any ideas or suggestions for physical or educational activities? What makes your day easier?

Now this is just a start. I still have trouble with the big once-a-week type chores. Laundry is usually a three day process unless I'm feeling really motivated to sit down and fold and put everything away the same day it's washed.....almost never. The bathrooms go a little extra long because I don't have a set day to do it, and I find myself thinking hey, they don't look that bad.....until they do. Mopping the floor is the one thing I don't have too hard of a time with, only because I have to at least spot mop after every meal with my kids. ;) So I've been trying to think of a way to make all of this routine as well. In a flexible, "I have three kids and life happens" kind of way. I need to be able to rearrange if something comes up, but still be accountable for what got skipped. I'm thinking.....(maybe this is totally dorky) about a magnet board. Each magnet would be labeled with either daily or weekly chores and would be organized in a very visible way, (making me accountable, and also able to easily visualize what needs to be done, and what can realistically be accomplished) but a way that can be rearranged if necessary. Too much? Any better ideas? To go along with this, I'm thinking of ripping off this idea that I found on Apron Girls. Check it out. Don't forget to leave your suggestions in the comments!


Emily Ringel said...

Love the ideas! I think we might start doing something similar to this. AFter we have scripture study in the morning I don't know what to do and usually feel so tired that I try (TRY being the key word)to take a nap and pretty soon it's 11:00 and I'm still in jammies and don't know where the time went. Like I said, I've been in a bad rut lately and am having a really hard time trying to pull myself out. but I am trying and this looks like something that might help. Also, that organization board on Apron Girl's blog is AMAZING!! I want one but would never be crafty enough to get it to look as cute as hers!

Brit said...

way to go! You get the mommy of the year award for being so motivated and all the ball. I need to be more like that. I know I spend why too much of my day on my computer instead of cleaning. Right now my house is a mess and I am looking at blogs instead of cleaning it:)

I loved the example on Apron girls for the office! I might have to copy that one too!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

So I know Brandon works but he is allowed to help do house work ya know. :-)

katers said...

That's just how we roll Bambi. It works for us. ;)