August 31, 2009

Another First...Fishing

This is going to be one monster post, but we had some monster fun this weekend. Grandma and Poppy came out for a visit. Grandma and I spent the morning doing this:
Then we took a little barbecue up to Steinaker Reservoir. This place is seriously about 7 minutes from our house. I don't know why we don't do this more often. Anyway....the boys had another fun summer first. Don't ask me why we've waited until the end of the summer to have all of these firsts. We're lame.
They went fishing! Every little, (and big) boys' dream.
Andrew ate about half a package of licorice....yeah, I don't normally allow things like that, and this is why, (and because it ain't healthy) oh and the monster red diarrhea he had the next morning.
Poppy and Daddy were nice enough to share their fishing poles with the boys. Every time they'd hook a fish they'd ask for a helper and one or two were sure to come running.
Grandma and Paige snuggled and watched the fun.

Impressive fish, huh? We caught tons of these little guys. Parker wouldn't touch em.
Ahh...cute. Daddy and his boys.

Paige was an angel as always and slept pretty much the whole time. And yes, she does suck her two middle fingers pretty much all the time, and yes, I'm okay with it, (for now).
Of course there was no keeping the boys out of the water...we finally took off shoes and rolled up the pants. Fortunately they weren't interested in going in any deeper.
The fishermen with their "big catch".
Here's the boys running from Dad to Poppy when Poppy got a bite. Notice Parker holding his pants up as he ran?
Parker's favorite part was reeling them in.
Cute, huh? Sorry for the overload of pictures....but I just couldn't decide between all these favorites. There were even more!
She's always an angel....even awake!
I love baby feet! These happen to be Drew's. Parker wouldn't let me take a picture of his.
Parker even got to hold a pole by himself.....for a minute anyway. This kid is a wild man!
And of course....we had so much fun he was asleep before we even got home. I was tired too!
Thanks for the fun times Grandma and Poppy....and the peaches!

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