August 10, 2009

We're 5 for 5 Baby!

No, I'm not talking about roast beef sandwiches. I'm referring to the fact that Brandon and I just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary, (July 29) with our cute little 5 person family.
To celebrate, we took a little trip out to the Wasatch Front and visited some of our old favorite hang-outs. Of course, we had to take the boys to the Bean Museum on BYU's campus.
Who knew that dead animals could be so much fun? My boys love it. When we lived in Orem, I went through a phase where I would take Parker there once a week. Good times.

After that, we just took some time walking around campus; we saw all the fountains and waterfalls, and ducks for the boys, and we hit a sale at the BYU bookstore.
That evening, Brandon and I had a night out to dinner, (by ourselves!!) at Brick Oven, another Provo gem that is one of our faves. We also hit a comedy show at BYU, Humor U. It was great. Good, clean, hilarious entertainment. Thanks to Grandma and Poppy for the babysitting. It was a pretty quick, last minute trip, but it was fun to take a trip down memory lane and see all the places we spent so much time when it was just the two of us....and then the three of us....and then the four of us. Time has gone by so fast, but we've tried to enjoy every minute of it. Life has definitely not taken us in the direction we originally planned for ourselves, but it has been worth it, and much good has come from it. We feel so blessed as we look back on the last 5 years and see all of the help that we've had from our Heavenly Father. We've grown, and learned so much. And we have the best, cutest kids in the world.....who wouldn't be happy about that?
Happy Anniversary Honeybear. I love you.


Mindy said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Cal and Whit said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the part where you said, 'who knew dead animals could be so much fun'. What a fun place for your darling little boys to go to! That was too cute!

Also, you are so sweet to put a button for us on your blog! We would be honored to have it there. Thank you so much for thinking of us and helping us out. You really don't know how much it means to Cal and I. Thanks!

Ashlee said...

Five years! A-Wahoo! How cute your little family is. When I look at these pictures I just feel so happy and proud of you... can I be proud of you? You aren't my daughter or anything but I just love ya!