August 11, 2009

Speirs Family Reunion

We spent some time with Brandon's family this past weekend for a Speirs family reunion. It was tons of fun, and almost everyone was able to make it. It was especially great for Brandon to get to see aunts and uncles that he doesn't get a chance to see often. And, of course, it was a great opportunity to take more cute pictures of the kids.
We spent some time at the Dinosaur Park in Ogden Saturday afternoon. After Parker and Andrew were assured that the dinosaurs weren't alive, they had a great time.
If you're wondering why the kids look like gangsta's in their over sized sweaters and baggy pants....I wasn't smart enough to check the weather before we left, so we had to borrow warm clothes.
Andrew started a fad at the playground. He went down the slide headfirst over and over. We thought he was funny and started taking pictures. So then of course Parker did it so we could take his picture. Pretty soon, kids we didn't know started trying it, and they wondered why we didn't take their pictures also.
After the Dinosaur Park, it was back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner and playing with cousins. The kids wanted to get in the hot tub. For some unknown reason my kids are afraid of hot tubs and jetted tubs, so we took it slow, and they finally let loose and have some fun!
Parker seriously made me "snuggle" him like this for about 20 minutes before he would take a dip in the water.
Thanks to aunt Brooklyn and cousin Rachel, Andrew got used to things pretty quick. Then he turned into a wild animal with no fear.
Thanks for a fun time everyone! Can't wait to get together again next year!

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