July 22, 2009

Sorry If My Weirdness Offends You

Oh, wait; no actually I'm not sorry. Wow. I need to get this off my chest, and it is my blog, so here goes. I am so amazed at how many people make fun of others for trying to do something good. As many of you know, we do not have a TV. We have not had one for three years now. We do not regret this decision in the slightest; in fact, the longer we go without it, the more fixed we become in this position.
It is simply one way that we have tried to leave the evil influences of the world out of our home. We know that it is not for everybody, and we also know that millions of people every day make responsible choices in their TV watching for themselves and their children.
I'm weird. Yeah, I get it. I really do.
Why make fun of it?
Example #1: Satellite TV Salesman comes to the door last week and asks who my current TV service provider is. I reply that we don't even have one. He tells me that I'm a mean mom and laughs. Since when is making fun of the customer a good sales tactic?
But, I laughed that one off.
Example #2: A blog that I follow posts about fighting all the negative crap that is on TV these days by obtaining contact info. for TV executives, writing them letters, and raising awareness of the problem through a new blog. I support this. I left a comment saying that we don't even have a TV, and have found this a good solution in our home.
Other commenters replied that this is "naive and socially irresponsible". That my children will be made fun of, and ultimately will be influenced outside my home. Also, that there are other arenas where inappropriate images are worth fighting against.
My comment was not to say that turning off the TV is the only solution, or even the best. If it is not for you, fine. But don't assume that I don't understand what's out there, (or that this is the only way I combat the problem). I'm sorry, but I'm not all that concerned about my children being made fun of for not having a TV. Do I realize that they will be influenced outside my home? Of course. We are the only family I know that chooses to live this way. I was simply trying to offer another way to fight the problem. Because, at the end of the day, what the executives at ABC, CBS, and NBC are worried about is profits and ratings. As long as you turn it on and sit through it, they will put it on. You don't like it? Don't watch it. When their profits decrease enough, they will change it. Until then, we'll be TV free.
And please, don't make fun of me. When I'm doing something that will be harmful for my children, (and being "a peculiar people" doesn't fit the bill) feel free to point it out to me. But when I'm trying to do something for their good, as extreme as it may be, let it be.


Ashlee said...

Few things...

Seriously! I don't understand people sometimes. You are so right. Why make fun of someone or criticize someone who is trying to do something good for their family? Couldn't their energy be spent somewhere else? People seriously think your kids will be made fun of? Lame. I don't get it. We may be joining your "weird," little no tv club soon. We never got the converter box thingy... so when we get to our new home the only thing that will work is movies. Oh well. Corey and I are going to try going without it and see what we think. Wish us luck!

APPLESAUCE!!! CANNING!!! I want some! I want to do that too! It's on my list of things I really want to learn. Right next to sewing.

Last, and most importantly, THANK YOU for the post about Cal and Whit. It meant a lot to me that you would do that for them. I will make sure that they see it... if you didn't already mention it to them in a comment on their blog or something.

That's all... Ashlee :)

Brit said...

I don't think you are weird:) well maybe a little... but TV has nothing to do with it haha! I love ya. Those people are stupid. Way to go on the applesauce! I really am so proud of you!

Unknown said...

I think it is awesome that you have chose to live this way. We are not that brave at our house, but I think you should be commended for that choice. It is a hard thing to live without, but I'm willing to bet that you and your family are more productive than we are!

Emily Ringel said...

The best advice I ever got when becomeing a new mom was this: You decide what's best for your family and don't let anyone make you feel bad for it. I try to live by that. We get made fun of because we put our kids to bed early and for us going to bed early. Really? So if you choose to do what's right for your family you must also let others choose for themselves. That's why I feel I can't ever criticize another parents parenting techniques. We're different people with different kids. I could never expect the same thing to work for everyone. Right on Katie!!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

We have a t.v. but only for the discovery channel and history channel which we learn good and interesting things..other than that crap I tell you..CRAP! Good good on ya.

Pokemon said...


I absolutely loved this post. I can relate to the whole idea of people trying to pull you down or make fun of you for trying to do something good. It really is silly. I admire you for your choice. That is awesome.

We do have TV but there are other things that we do or do not do that seem to be points of interest to others at times. I love that you say that you don't think less of others who do have one and I feel the same way about the things that we have chosen to do in our home with our family. They are things that work for us and help our little family and so why should anyone else care to make fun or pull down. Satan works in interesting ways.

So your post had me thinking enough that I had a discussion about the topic with my husband and he reminded me of this story about President Eyring's family and TV watching. What a story...I love it. It is a little long but I couldn't resist adding it here. Enjoy!

“My brother and I were in front of the TV one Saturday night around midnight,” says Henry J. “A tawdry comedy show that we shouldn’t have been watching was on. The basement room was dark except for the light from the television. Without warning, Mother walked in. She was wearing a white, flowing nightgown and carrying a pair of shears. Making no sound, she reached behind the set, grabbed the cord, and gathered it into a loop. She then inserted the shears and cut the cord with a single stroke. Sparks flew and the set went dead, but not before Mother had turned and glided out of the room.”

Unnerved, Henry J. headed to bed. His innovative brother, however, cut a cord from a broken vacuum and connected it to the television. Soon the boys had plopped back down in front of the television, hardly missing any of their show.

“Mother, however, got the last laugh,” Henry J. says. “When we came home from school the next Monday, we found the television set in the middle of the floor with a huge crack through the thick glass screen. We immediately suspected Mother. When confronted, she responded with a perfectly straight face: ‘I was dusting under the TV, and it slipped.’ ”

President Eyring honored his wife’s wishes, the children honored their mother’s desires, and that was the end of television in the Eyring home.

Who wouldn't want to be compared to the Eyring family. Way to go!!! Seriously.

katers said...

Paige, thanks for sharing that story! I'd never heard that before.

whitneyingram said...

We all have our "thing". Even the guy that came to your front door and made fun of you on your own porch has some kind of "thing". You should never have to explain the method to your madness.

Now I am trying to think about what my "thing" is. I think I know one. I am pretty bananas about my boys being dressed to the nines for church. For me and mine, I want them to know that Sunday is a different day and we take out Sunday worship seriously.

Emily said it perfectly. "You decide what's best for your family and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it." Perfect summation.