July 28, 2009

Pioneer Day Celebrations

To celebrate Pioneer Day, the Boy Scouts in our area always sponsor a breakfast for the city that morning. I've never been able to get Brandon to go, because he hates crowds. But this year, he got roped into helping; so I finally got a chance to go. Lucky for me, my parents were in town for Andrew's birthday, (more on that later) to help me out with the kids, or I probably couldn't have handled them by myself.
My handsome helper. By the way, he enjoyed himself enough that he said we could go again next year! It's amazing what a little service will do for your attitude eh?

The breakfasters. Poppy and Parker, (who insisted on wearing a long-sleeved shirt because Poppy and Grandma had brought it as a birthday present for him).
Me and Drew, isn't he sweet? And last, but not least, Grandma and Paige. I'm bummed you can't really see this, (HOMEMADE) bow in the picture. It was red, white, and blue to celebrate the occasion, and was really cute.
At the breakfast they had all sorts of activities for the kiddos, including this blow up thingy. Now, I have to say, I remember doing one of these in high school, and not being able to get to the top of the slide without help. I thought there was no way Parker was big enough to do this. But he surprised me and scrambled right through it super fast. Of course we all already knew that he doesn't get his athletic skills from his mama!
Waiting for the "Ready, Go!"

He makes it look so easy....trust me, it was hard when I did it! (I'm such a wuss!)

He loved it. It was so much fun to watch. After the breakfast, we enjoyed the parade that included several entries from LDS wards in our area. This town is parade crazy! They have one for the 4th, one the following week for the rodeo, one for the 24th, and then one for Homecoming when school starts. I love it. Parades Vernal style are my idea of a good time. We walked from our house two blocks about 15 minutes before the start of the parade and got a perfect seat. No camping out to get a seat 10 rows back like the Provo parade on the 4th! The parade lasted about half an hour, (perfect for my kids) and then we walked back home. Lots of good times! We all hope you had a great Pioneer Day too!

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