July 6, 2009

Great Giveaway

In case you hadn't noticed in Paige's blessing photos, I'm into bows now. My friend and I made Paige's, but if you're not into that; here is a place you can buy some super cute ones. There's a giveaway going on right now, so hop on over to http://itsallaboutthebow.blogspot.com to enter and find some great stuff!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Well, I don't have much need for bows at the moment, but I do hope SOME day I will!

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I know it's kind of stupid and jr. high-ish of me but I get so much out of talking to you and when I hang up I get nervous and hope that you did too! You'd think after all these years of friendship that I wouldn't worry about that kind of stuff anymore. Anyway your comment made me feel good.

I ordered the Twelfth Angel from Amazon for a penny and it should be here soon. I am excited to start reading!

Also, I hope to write you a letter soon... pretty silly since we just had that big chat, but I scanned your last letter and realized there were things we didn't get to!

Also, I have loved catching up on your blog. Such cute pictures and stories. I think the mommy blog is adorable... :)

Have a lovely day!