February 20, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is a little late, but aren't these the cutest Valentine's you've ever seen?!

We had a great Valentine's Day. Brandon taught Parker to say "ta-tines". Since there are no good places to go out and eat in Vernal, we stayed home and I tried to re-create Cafe Rio. It was lots of fun. We hope you all had a good Valentine's too!


Ashlee said...

A post from Kate! Yay! It was fun to go look through all the updates. Parker looks so big! I have to tell you also that reading about Andrew makes me wonder about Alaster. I might be trying to keep him little too long or something... he's not doing all those things Drew is!

Your boys are sure cute! Let us know the next time we can get together and play. We move downstairs next weekend! Wahoo!

ps- I made that burrito recipe with a pork roast instead of beef, and it was a keeper for sure! Thanks for the recipe!

Matt & Emily said...

Katie- the boys are so cute! I can't believe Andrew is so big! He'll be almost a year by the time we see him again!! We miss you guys and hope you're enjoying Vernal! Take care!

Lindsi said...

I miss your posts! A lot! In fact I miss them so much I find myself looking at your blog to make sure there really hasn't been any even when my google reader has told me there are no new posts. It's depressing. However, I was pleased to see that in your play list you had both dashboard and the crows. Both of which I was introduced to by you and they now happen to be up their with the favs. I miss your posts. It makes me feel like I know you even though I really don't. :)