April 21, 2008

Alive and Kickin' in Vernal!

Okay, so I really don't post that much anymore....it's sad, I know, but we're still around! I've finally got a minute to post, so I thought I'd give an update. We're pretty much all settled in now, and we love Vernal. Our ward is awesome, and we've been finding more and more things to do all the time. Especially now that the weather's warmed up! :) The boys and I love going to storytimes at the library, and playgroup at the park. We've also been joining the ladies in the ward for a walking group at the church parking lot every day. It's so fun, all the kids bring bikes and toys and play while we walk laps around them, pushing the little ones in stollers. We're really anxious for the new rec. center to open up near us that has an awesome swimming pool, (and hopefully some aerobics classes for mamma!) Also, when the weather gets warmer, we're looking forward to playgroup at the splash park.

As I said, our ward is great, and for the first time since we've been married, I don't have to play the organ, which is a huge bonus. I think Brandon would go nuts with the boys alone during sacrament meeting. All four of us end up in the foyer for at least part of the time as it is. Parker has gotten over his phobia of being left in nursery, and has a great time in there.....now only 9 more months before Drew can go too!! (and yes I am counting down to that) I get to teach relief society once a month, which has been good for me. I learn more myself than I can get across to everyone else I'm sure, and it helps me get to know everyone and their names a little easier. Brandon just got put in as YM president, and his first week in got to go on a 15 mile hike this last weekend. I think he's still recovering.... He's really excited about this new calling.

Other than that, it's same old, same old for us. We're trying to put down some roots for once, and toying with the idea of buying a place, but the real estate market out here is crazy. Can you believe they want $200,000 for a 3 bedroom double-wide?! So we'll have to start small for sure if we do it. We're thinking 3 bedroom condo. We'll keep you posted. Hope you're all well and happy! I'll try and post some pictures of the boys soon!

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