April 21, 2008


Here are some cute pictures from Easter. We went to the Vernal Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. Totally lame. There weren't even enough eggs for one to every kid. And, they were real eggs. But, we had fun anyway. Here's Parker and I getting ready at the starting line......

And Parker with his egg. We were only successfull because of our great strategy....keep heading towards the middle while everyone else stopped at the first eggs. He was quite proud of himself.

Drew thought the funnest part was playing in the baskets and grass.

Here he is with his basket on Sunday.

I thought this was cute. He picked up an egg, "hidden" in the middle of the living room floor and looked up like, "hey that was cool!"

Parker got a bubble-gun. The bubbles were gone after 15 min., and I had to run to Wal-mart the next day for more.

Cute boys, huh?!


Anonymous said...
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Hannah said...

Oh it is so fun to have two little boys, huh?! I just love watching my little boys play too and just think that they are brothers and will be together forever. Love, love it!