December 24, 2007

Smith Family Party

Our Christmas festivities continued on Sunday with the Smith Family Christmas party. It was quite a gathering. My grandparents have 10 children between them, and I was informed at the party that the number of great-grandchildren is in the fifties now. There was lots going on. First, was the nativity. Parker didn't really hold still for it, but he sure looked cute, even with his chocolate face!
Lexi, being the sweetheart that she is, graciously gave the role of Mary to another girl who was quite upset about not having it, and instead she was the angel with the star. Syd, was a donkey. Nate was a "wise guy" and Bailey was a sheep, but we didn't manage to get a picture before they took their costumes off.
Lexi took this star business seriously. It was so sweet to watch her keep that star up high with such a serious look on her face.
After the nativity, Santa Claus showed up. Parker freaked out when Santa Claus came in, so Dad had to distract him a bit. He just kept inching closer to the front so Parker could watch the other kids with him, which was smart. Parker realized that they were getting presents out of it, so by the time it was his turn, he was willing to get a little closer.
Syd and her cheeser with Santa.
All the kids got a bag of goodies and reindeer antlers from Santa. Aren't they cute?
We managed to get one photo with Santa without tears! Good thing Dad kept a buffer zone in between!
And, a photo of our two sweet boys with their Poppy and Great Grandpa Smith. Is it just me, or is there a bit of a family resemblance?

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