November 5, 2007

I've been tagged....

So I've been tagged. Here we go! The rules:
  • List 6 facts/habits about yourself on your blog
  • At the end of your post, tag 6 friends
  • Visit your 6 friends blogs and leave a comment informing them they have been tagged - let them know they can read your blog for the rules.
1. Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. We have way more decorations than our tiny apartment can hold, and I usually start listening to Christmas music about a week or two before Halloween.
2. I say that I like to read--I should really just say that I like to read Harry Potter. I've read them all over and over. I try to shake things up once in a while with something new, but I always come back for more Harry Potter.
3. Brandon calls my run the "Katie Shuffle".
4. We got rid of our TV a few months ago and I love not having one!
5. I have a new goal. I'm going to learn how to sew!
6. Last, but definetly not least......being a stay at home mom is the absolute most rewarding thing I've ever done in my whole life. Crazy as my life is, I wouldn't trade it for anything. My three boys, (Brandon, Parker, and Andrew) are my best friends!

Okay, that's me. So now, I tag Ashlee, Emily, Lindsi, Cristie, Amber, and Ashley!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Hehe :) The Katie shuffle! That's a good one! Very appropriate. I haven't seen you run in a while but I do remember what it looked like and I think Brandon is very clever :)