August 3, 2014

Parker's Baptism

Yesterday my biggest boy was baptized. I am so proud of this boy. Brandon and I really made an effort to help him take this important step seriously. To know what he was doing, and why. He rose to our expectations and even exceeded them. I think this boy is what I like to call an "old soul." I feel that he was sent to our family to help me along far more than the other way around. He understands so much for his young age, and seems to know when I don't quite know what I'm doing. But he is patient with me.

Brandon and I challenged Parker to read the entire Book of Mormon before his eighth birthday to help him prepare. At times we wondered if we would have to help him along, but all on his own, he reached a point where he was determined to accomplish his goal. In the midst of our crazy move he had gotten off track of the schedule we had given him to follow by quite a bit. Rather than give up, or wait for our prodding he started reading two days worth, then three, then four. At the end of it all he finished four days ahead of schedule. All along the way I'd ask him questions about what he had read. There were a few times when it was hard for him to comprehend, but I was amazed at what he did understand and learn, and we had some really enjoyable talks about it. Now that he has built this great habit, I hope he keeps it up and really learns to love the scriptures.

The big day was so special. He was somber and a bit shy, typical of his personality, but he was also extra affectionate, which I hope was his way of showing that he was feeling something special.
I of course was an emotional mess. I am loving these wonderful people that our kids are growing into, but I also think it is happening way too fast. I tried to keep it together to give a talk on baptism, but I'll really just have to know that hopefully we taught Parker everything he needed to know before that moment.  
 Brandon gave a talk on the Holy Ghost before the confirmation and did a great job of relating the topic to Parker individually. I think Parker really understood what was taught there. Brandon is a great Dad, and a wonderful example of a priesthood holder for our kids.

This is the first time we've had a picture taken with all eight of us in it. After two days of lots of fun with family, they were tired and missing naps. But I still love this picture. It shows our real life. Our crazy busy imperfect, wonderful, always entertaining full of love life. I love these people with all of my heart just the way they are.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

What a handsome boy and what a special day! I am so glad you posted this. I had so badly been wanting to hear about Parker's special day! And the family photo at the end is awesome. It makes me feel better about Alaster making that exact. same. face. as Drew, on a far too frequent basis. :)

Love you Morgan family! Keep up the blogging!!!