June 20, 2013


The boys have been playing baseball this summer with Daddy as their coach.  It has been a hoot to say the least.  Drew is technically not old enough to play, but because Daddy's coaching, and because the t-ball team and the machine pitch team game schedules would have made it a near impossibility to do both, we put him on the older team.  He has done so great to keep up with those bigger boys!  I've been so proud.
 The first game both boys got hits and got on base.  It was so fun to see!  Ever since Parker has been a consistent hitter and is also fast to boot, and gets on base the most often.  He's the lead-off hitter for the team most games.

 Drew struggled a little more with the machine pitch, but was a great fielder, and has gotten a few great hits here and there.  The best was last night.  Final inning, we're down 4-0.  One runner on base, but 2 outs, and Drew at the bottom of the order is up to bat.  He gave it all he had and got a base hit!  Then Parker got up and hit a triple to drive in two runs!  I was so excited and so proud!!  Sadly, the next hit was an out, so we didn't get a chance to come back for the win, but I was so excited to see our boys play that way.
Isn't Drew adorable in that giant batting helmet?  I'll need to update the post with a few more pictures of him before the season is over.  It's a little crazy when I'm left to manage the other four alone.  A ring pop from the concession stand only keeps them occupied for so long. ;)

Needless to say, I never thought I'd be such a big baseball fan before I had boys of my own to watch.  I'm looking forward to many more summers of it!

Post Edit: The very next game Drew got his own triple hit!  Sadly, I didn't get any more pictures but it was a great season.  We're now on to swimming lessons but once in a while Drew will stop me and say, "Mom, you remember that time I hit a triple in baseball?!"  I sure do Drewbie!!

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