May 8, 2013

A Good Day for Drew

Remember this almost a year ago?  Well, number two is at it now!  Drew officially lost his first tooth tonight. And like his older brother, he delayed the process until the next tooth was already starting to grow in and Mom and Dad decided it was time to take matters into Dad's own hands.
 Don't wasn't as bad as this picture looks.  ;)  He took a lot less convincing than his older brother actually.  He was just worried about what tool Dad might use to be extracting the object in question.
 In the end he submitted quite easily, and when all was said and done....
 woila!  Then he promptly handed the tooth over to me and said, "Here you go Mom.  Throw this in the trash!  I don't need it anymore."
The tooth next to it is loose as well, but he decided to give that one another day of wiggling before letting Dad have a crack at it.  Parker also has another loose on top.  We'll see how that one goes!

It was a step into big-boyhood today for Drew!  First baby tooth gone AND his first real baseball practice all in one day.  I think the boy is gonna sleep good tonight.

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