April 24, 2013

Noah Macks

This post was one I was hesitating to write.  Obviously.  There are just so many emotions for me surrounding the births of my babies, and I am really not the type to list out events in detail for all to read.  It's hard to decide what I want to share and record, and what I want to keep in my heart.  Even more than that, it's really just hard to put into words.  A play by play of events doesn't do it justice and not all of the feelings can be described.  Then our sweet Noah decided to give us a little scare by contracting RSV at two weeks of age and spending his third week of life in the pediatric ICU.  Between the visits from each of our families come to welcome him and his ICU stay followed quickly by our moving to a new home, and all of this bookended by sick kids, we were just so busy that I really didn't have the time to process everything.  But then it's really not fair that here he is three months old, and not a mention of him on the family blog.  It's high time he was introduced!

Noah Macks Morgan arrived January 7, 2013.  He weighed in as the biggest of the bunch at 8 lbs. 3 oz.  He was also one of the shorter at 19 1/2 inches long.  Our little chunky square fellow.  ;)  

I decided again to be induced for Noah's birth.  My labors go really quickly, and when family was coming from so far to help with the kids it just made sense for us.  It turns out Noah agreed with our choice of birthday.  When I arrived I was already contracting regularly and it didn't take much at all to make things happen.

Things went so very smoothly this time.  We had a fabulous nurse who really seemed to care that we have the best experience possible, and who understood how quickly things can go with a sixth baby.  While they did use pitocin, it was never more than 10 units, and several times she turned it down or even off to keep things from getting too crazy.  I did decide to have the epidural this time.  I'd thought about trying without again, but last time really wasn't a great experience for me and having one had never made for a bad one.  We had also all been sick the week before and I was tired of not feeling good.  I felt I deserved to welcome this baby in a comfortable, more mentally present state and I'm glad that I did.

 Noah came quickly and easily with no complications at 11:19 in the morning.  All of the staff was so kind and attentive it really made for the best experience I'd ever had.  Noah never once left the room, even for all of his assesments and it was so comforting to always have him there during our stay.  We were checked on often, and felt as if our comfort and care were high priority.  The nurse helped me to a jetted bubble bath as soon as I was ready to pass Noah off for a Daddy snuggle, and that was heavenly.  She stayed with us for at least two hours after he was born making sure every need was taken care of.  I never felt like she was in a rush to pass us off and move on to the next patient.  

Noah's first name was chosen by his Daddy and we both love it.  Let's face it, if you're going to be named for a prophet, Noah is a pretty great one.  

His middle name is for his great grandpa Murray.  I have never met a sweeter man in my entire life.  And when he prays you almost have to peek to see if angels are in the room.  He has such great faith, humility and sincerity.  I still remember the first time I met him, (the morning of our wedding) and just feeling overwhelmed by his love for me even at our first meeting.  He loves Brandon as if he were his very own son, and knowing that I was Brandon's choice for an eternal companion was good enough for him.  I have also never ever heard Grandpa Murray speak a negative word.  He is grateful for every blessing he has and has a Christlike love for everyone around him.  I could not be more proud to use his name for our son.  I just wish he were close enough to meet him!

Obviously the moment of birth is pretty cool, but I think the next best thing is bringing a new baby home to meet the brothers and sisters!  Their excitement is just too adorable.  I love how sweetly they've welcomed each other and how the attitude of "there's always room for one more" prevails.  There has not been one moment of jealousy for baby Noah.

This big brother is probably the proudest of all.  He loves our Noah so very much and is always begging to help care for him.  He's even happy to change diapers!

I also love the welcome home that I get after having a baby.  Yes, I'm all puffy and strange looking, but I still love this picture.   I love that Drew asked to have one with me, and I love the way Parker is adoring his brother in the background.

Welcome to the family baby Noah!  We couldn't be more thrilled to have you.  We are flawed, we are noisy and we are many, but we have a lot of love to share!  It is always multiplied and never divided in our home!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Katie! You are AMAZING!!! I wish I were half the mom that you are! You're kids are so lucky! And the baby is gorgeous!!!!