August 20, 2012

Our Latest

I've sadly neglected to share this news on the blog as of yet, (it's that facebook thing!) but our family is expecting a new addition!  I am already halfway there, which is absolutely crazy to me...and we have found out that our little bean sprout is another boy!  As you can imagine, all of the boys are THRILLED about this, especially as this evens things up again.  Parker has already insisted that the baby be allowed to sleep "in the boys' room."

It is so surreal to be expecting my sixth child.  Our family is so very different from what I would have pictured years ago.  But it is infinitely better.  Each one of the sweet spirits we've been sent adds to our home in such a wonderful way.  I couldn't imagine life without any one of them.  And I know this little guy will do the same.  I love seeing how excited his siblings are already to welcome him to the family.  My kids have something special in having each other and I hope that they can feel and appreciate it as they grow older.  We get glimpses of it now and again when Paige possessively says things like, "Claire Bear is on my team," or Andrew tells his primary substitute, "I have to sit by Parker, cause he's my brother."  Family night is a hoot around here, especially when it leads to an impromptu talent show.  Really, there is just always something going on around here and I love it.  I know it's only going to last for so long, so I just keep trying to take it a day at a time and drink it all in.  It is so precious.  And I am so grateful.


Mindy said...

So excited for you guys!!

Unknown said...

That is so fun to be having another boy and have the numbers be even! Wonder who he will look like? Hope you are all loving Kansas :)

Pokemon said...

YEA!!! Congratulations! You are amazing!

Christine said...

SO happy for you! What wonderful news. He couldn't be coming into a more loving home. Congratulations! Can't wait to see photos when he makes his appearance.

We miss you!