July 10, 2012

Birthdaypalooza Part 1

Yesterday was the beginning of our crazy July birthday extravaganza.  Parker turned 6.  Sigh.  The night before his birthday he was telling me, "Mom, tomorrow I'm going to be 6.  And then I'll be 7, 8 & 9!"  I told him, "Whoa buddy!  I'm barely dealing with 6 so slow it down!"  I just can't believe how fast these six years have flown by.  He is such a big boy.  Well, he always has been really.  :)

We started the birthday celebrations early on Saturday by taking Parker out to pick a birthday present.  It was all over and done with as soon as Dad showed him this model airplane.  We looked all over just to make sure before making the final decision....but we didn't need to.

I think he liked it, no?  And this next picture is proof that he's my son, sticking his tounge out when he's concentrating really hard.
Monday morning he chose to have smiley face pancakes for his birthday breakfast.  They were a big hit with all the kids.

Later that afternoon, we had a water balloon fight. (Yes we STILL have water balloons left over from Easter.  I think they reproduce on their own.  After filling them for over an hour yesterday the boxes looked just as full as they had when I'd started.)  Now originally I'd just planned to do it by ourselves, but the night before the big birthday Parker asked if I would invite some friends over.  I'm usually not the invite 15 kids over for a crazy party type of mom, but I thought that since he is 6 now....his request for a few friends for water balloons and popsicles wasn't a bad idea.  And here's where I need to say how grateful I am for the friends we've made since we moved here.  After a quick message Sunday night, they came ready to party Monday afternoon and even brought gifts.  Neither Parker or I were expecting that, but it was so fun.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures....it's kind of hard to tell kids that age to wait to throw a water balloon.  ;)

Parker's request for his birthday cake this year proves that he has taken our move to Kansas to heart.  He asked for a tornado cake!  Now I certainly don't think I'm ready for Cake Boss, but it didn't turn out half bad.  I used one of those doll pans, (you know where the cake is the dress and you put a barbie on top?) and turned the cake upside down, and frosted it blue trying to create a windy effect.  He was happy and it didn't tip over, so I'm happy.

After dinner and cake we had a pinata at Parker's request.  It was lots of fun.  Each kid got to have a few whacks at it and then we let Parker go at it until he broke it.

We are all so grateful to have Parker!  He is the best big brother and takes such good care of everyone.  He is a good example, a hard worker and so much fun to be around.  We love you Parker!!
Just to give an example of what a sweet boy he is......a few days before his birthday Parker received a card in the mail with five dollars in it.  He had been waiting and waiting to have some money of his own to buy a soccer ball and I told him he could get one with his dollars.  After that was decided he asked who was coming to his birthday, as we've always lived close enough to grandparents that one side or the other could come.  I told him that unfortunately neither could come this year, that it's pretty far and costs a lot of money.  The boy who had been so excited minutes earlier about buying a soccer ball asked me if he could give his dollars to help get someone here to celebrate.  I hugged him tight and told him that if five dollars would do it, I'd let him give it and then I would still buy him a soccer ball, but unfortunately it wouldn't quite.  To all of our family, know that you were missed!

We're taking a few days off to recover, but get ready for Birthdaypalooza part 2 coming soon!  Emma's VERY FIRST birthday is Friday!!!  Talk about time flying by!


Ashlee said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARKER!!!! It looks like you did it up right! That cake is so COOL! And how fun that he got to have friends over for the balloon-fest!

I loved reading this, and have been thinking about you ever since July started. This month belongs to your family!

Can't wait to hear about the rest of the celebrations.

Emma is going to be one! Can you believe it? Truman has been acting older ever since his birthday. It's like they know...


CarrieLu and Madi too said...

How fun! Awesome cake!!!