June 27, 2012

Some Cute Things

These pictures are actually from clear back in May but they're adorable.  And it's my blog.  So I'll post them because I want to.  ;)  This Claire Bear has the funnest personality.  She is a party animal!  She is always happy and always ready to be silly.  She's also trying to talk a lot more these days and it's so fun to hear her little voice.  If only we could get those crazy bangs to grow out so she didn't always have hair in her face!
I had been cutting up watermelon for dinner and the girls decided to chow down early on the leftover pieces.  It was a nice way to cool off.  Do you love how Paige totally buried her face in it to get to the good stuff?

This was the welcome home sign that Parker made for me when I came home from camp.  It was taped to the wall and the kids were hiding in the closet ready to jump out.  I will say....I LOVED girls camp.  The girls in my ward are FANTASTIC.  We had a lot of fun and my spirit was filled; BUT I MISSED THOSE BABIES.  It was good for them to have some time with Dad - who by the way did a fantastic job...he took all 5 kids to the zoo BY HIMSELF and took them to launch model rockets and in general just had a great time - but I know that my place is home with these kiddos and I'm so lucky that I get to do that!  It puts the biggest smile on my face to wake up to them every day and to spend so much time with their intelligent inquisitive little minds.  I guess the time away just made me appreciate it all the more.  Not to mention that I LOVED the hugs and kisses and general excitement when I came in.  Daddy gets that every day and it was fun to be on the receiving end of it for a change.

......And something not so fun or cute.  My thermostat the last three days.  Yeah, that 03 really means 103.  It just can't show three numbers at a time.  Our AC has been kaput.  Walking across the carpet upstairs has been like walking across hot pavement.  Lucky for us the downstairs has been somewhat bearable, (with a fan) so we've made it through and it was finally fixed tonight!!  We're down to 94 and falling which is why I can stand to sit at the computer.  Thank heavens!  It really makes me wonder how people lived here before air conditioning. :P


Mindy said...

I'm so glad you had fun at camp! The photos are adorable, and I don't care if you post photos from May... I just want to see them all! Miss you. :)

Ashlee said...

Such a darling girl! And what a sweet little sign :) His handwriting is so cute!