May 11, 2012


Okay, okay. I couldn't help myself. They're too stinking cute. I did stop myself at just Emma, and I know I won't have time to post again before Mother's Day so hopefully it's not too much of a surprise spoiler.

And if you can look at these without wanting to squish her and kiss her....well, you're just plain crazy!


Mindy said...

Look at you, Miss Photographer! She's so adorable and squishy... and you did a great job! I can't wait to see the rest!

Ashlee said...

Oh!!! My favorite is #2. So cute! It would be fun to sit Truman and Emma together and compare rolls. What an adorable chubby face! I would be eating it all day long! She looks very happy and chill. Is that true to her personality?

Still jealous of your gorgeous pictures!

katers said...

Thanks Mindy. They've obviously got nothing on yours, but we're having to do the best we can without you. ;)

Ash, she is SO easygoing. She pretty much sits around with a smile on her face all day long.

Rikki said...

Eva and I both want to kiss those chubby little cheeks!!! Bring her back!

Christine said...

So cute!

We miss you guys! It's not quite the same without you here. Glad you're all back together again though!