May 4, 2012

The Birthday......Finally

I think the biggest reason it took me so long to post about Paige's birthday is because I KNEW it was going to be a monster post.  What else could it be with this girl?  She is the life of the party around here and she'd been WAITING and WAITING for this day to come.  And I didn't want to leave anything out and it's my blog.  So there.
So remember how I usually do birthday crowns for the birthday-ee?  Totally spaced it this year.  But lucky for me Grandma Mokie saved the day with a birthday card that doubled as a princess crown.  Score!  And the kids were never the wiser. ;)
We had the usual birthday muffins.
At breakfast we let everyone have a candle and join in the fun, but Claire wasn't quite sure why we gave her one.  And doesn't she have the most gorgeous eyes?!  I also have to let you know here that she does the CUTEST rendition of "Happy Birthday to You" known to man.  It's a little something like this: " YOU! BURTDAY! YOU! BURTDAY!"
I love how happy a few simple birthday decorations make my kids.  Oh gosh.  A sign, some balloons and a little crepe paper goes a long way for making these kids feel like their Mama "loves them most-er."  Daddy even got in on the fun with me this year and enjoyed himself a bit.  After all, it was for his girl. ;)

Umm.....I'm sorry.  I die over this next picture every time I see it.  I am SO GLAD these kids have each other.  And so are they if you hadn't noticed. ;)
And again, in case you missed the cuteness....and because I can't help myself.
Then after breakfast we let Paige open a few presents.  Because, er, um....she'd already sort of opened a couple of them when we weren't looking.
Seriously....crepe paper provides hours of entertainment.  I have loads of these hilarious pictures.
And these cute ones.
This boy takes his running fast seriously.

In honor of our Princess Paige we made "Rapunzel tower cupcakes".  I thought they turned out quite nicely. Cupcake baked in a cake cone, frosted and rolled in green coconut grass, vines, whatever you want to call it and topped with a sugar cone roof.  Some with added sparkly embellishments.
Up next we have what the boys have been waiting and waiting for.  They got "water bombs" in their Easter baskets and have been dying for a chance to use them.  Paige's birthday was the perfect occasion.

This last water bomb shot ended with Andrew in tears telling Dad he didn't want him to play water bombs with them anymore.  Yes, Drew needs to toughen up a bit, but maybe it wasn't totally fair for Dad to hold the four year old down before he broke the balloon right on his head.
Then time for more presents.
And cake to round off the day.  I had elaborate plans for a cake that looked like a princess castle, but the execution wasn't going so well.  Dad stepped in and saved the day creating a Tangled scene.  Seriously, the man has mad cake decorating skills.
He wanted to make sure you all notice the waterfall.  Ooooooh, ahhhhhhh.  Seriously though honey.  You rock.  I loved it and your girl loved it.

Thumbs up for this birthday!  We love you Paige-y girl!!  You brighten our world every. single. day!!!


Rikki said...

They are all so precious!! I can't decide which picture is my favorite, so I guess it will be one with all of them in it. We miss you!!!

Ashlee said...

Oh I absolutely LOVED this post! That second picture of all of them was so cute! And those girls of yours... my WORD! They are so sweet. Claire DOES have gorgeous eyes... and I can't get over their hair either... it's so full and pretty just like yours. If I ever have a girl I want her to have a sweet little bob like Paige!

I gotta say... the pictures I liked the most were of Paige on the counter while Brandon did her cake. He gets five super-daddy points from me! What is it that makes a daddy doing something like that for his daughter the sweetest, sweetest, thing?!? I loved reading about it, and seeing it.

This was a good post to show Corey so he could see how cute they all are. Thanks for so many pictures!

And it makes me REALLY want a nice camera. The shots are lovely dear!

Last but certainly not least: Happy Birthday to Paige!!!

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Wow, love all of the cute photos!! So much fun stuff you guys did! Loved the pink water balloons too. :)