September 27, 2011

A Surprise for Dad

Our Daddy has been out of town quite a bit lately. Needless to say, it stinks. So when he called last Saturday to invite us to join him for the weekend we were packed and out the door an hour later. The boys had a big surprise for him!

This little man up and learned how to ride his bike! We owe it all to his 6 year old cousin Luke. No joke, Brandon has worked with Parker before and with not much success; so we've left the training wheels on. We go over to Luke's..... I kid you not they were outside for about five minutes and then come running in. Parker's telling me, "Mom, Mom!! Luke showed me how to ride his bike without training wheels!" And I'm thinking, yeah....riiiight. But we go out, Luke holds him steady and off he goes. Apparently Luke told him just what he needed to hear!

So anyway, we go home and take the training wheels off his bike. We agree to keep this a secret so we can surprise Dad. How fun is it that right after Dad calls to invite us for the weekend? So without saying a word to him, we tossed in the bikes. Oh, and here's where I should mention that Andrew decided he wanted his training wheels off too. So while I was inside tossing any clean clothes I could find into a suitcase, Parker grabbed the wrench I'd left out and took off Andrew's training wheels as well. Little monkeys. Just to see how it would go I did give Andrew a couple of test tries before we took off. He needed some extra help, but I could tell Dad would have him off and going in no time.

Boy was Dad surprised! We took advantage of the hotel parking lot to get in some good riding time.

And Daddy worked with Drew.

We had a few tumbles, but no tears! Andrew was so cute and funny that day. He was so happy about it all that he didn't get upset or frustrated.

And off he went! Funny little man.....after a few good rides he got off his bike and took a bow. So fitting to his cute little personality. Then he kept telling his Daddy "Love you Dad!" and "Thank you Dad!" and "I'm so happy to ride my bike Dad!" and the like.

They absolutely loved this. It was fun to be able to share it with Dad as well. He even taught Parker some extra tricks like how to start up against the curb.

And what were the lady bugs doing during all of this? Having a grand old time. These girls are good friends. To reward them for being so patient, they got to go to the park afterwards and swing. :)

And Emma enjoyed herself some time in the sun. Who doesn't love a nap in the sunshine? Seriously, best baby ever. She is so good to just sit there and be happy while we do whatever it is we've got going on.

And I thought I'd toss in a few more pics from the visit.

When Mom and Dad are too tired to visit the hotel pool, what's the solution?! Tub swimming. And what's even better, if you leave the door open you can still watch Nemo on the TV! Saweeet!
(Don't worry, they did get to swim in the hotel pool as well.)

Good thing our kids are used to close quarters! This was the biggest three on the fold-out.

And Claire decided she didn't mind a nap on the comfy cozy king sized bed. :) I just love the way sleeping babies look!


Brit said...

Way to go Parker and Drew!!! Max is getting a B-I-K-E for his birthday next week;-) What a fun trip! Your kiddos are all just as cute as ever!

Ashlee said...

Hahaha! They took off Drew's training wheels themselves?!? They are little monkeys! And I can so picture Andrew saying those sweet things to his daddy. That's exactly what Aly would have done too. So cute! Love the tub picture, and Emma's double chin! xoxo