September 27, 2011

Boys & Bugs

The boys have been super interested in bugs lately. Parker is still terrified of most of them; he won't come in the front door if there is a spider on the front porch. Rather he'll stand there and scream for help. BUT, under the proper conditions he does like to see these crazy creepy crawlies up close. So we've done some bug collecting lately. Their first two finds were thanks to a friend who was watching them. Grasshoppers who were named Skippy, (Parker's) and Whippy, (Andrew's). Skippy and Whippy were fun for a few days. They even survived a road trip to visit Dad working in Colorado. But then they started looking a bit sad. Moving real slow and the like. Not knowing the expected life span of a grasshopper, I suggested we let them go in case that could revive them. They were bid a fond farewell and hopped away in the front yard. Here's hoping you make it boys!

This find however, we're keeping for observation:

I doubt you can really see.....but contained in this "collecting jar" as Parker so importantly calls it is our caterpillar, Brigham. Brigham, cause Parker says he's a boy. Parker also says that he wants a real Brigham. Not a caterpillar, a brother he says. ;)

Anyway, we're hoping to watch Brigham munch and grow and wrap himself up in a cocoon. Once he's become a butterfly we'll let him go. Already it has been fun. We're all amazed at how much he's grown in a few days.

And add bug collecting to the list of things I didn't really realize I'd do as a mother. Chalk it right up there with playing sports and all the other things I'd have tried much harder at as a girl if I'd have realized the skill set I would need to be a mother to boys. When I took Biology I remember paying the kids I babysat a nickel a bug for my class project. Now I'm hopping all over the yard like a fool chasing the darn things. Good thing I love my boys!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Skippy, Whippy, and Brigham. I like it. :) What a good mommy you are!

Enjoy conference! I am still riding a spiritual high from the general relief society broadcast myself :) Did you enjoy?!?