August 5, 2011

Our "Fishing" Expedition

As mentioned in the previous post, a family fishing trip was on the must-do list for Andrew's birthday bash. He's been asking to go fishing since.......March maybe? So we packed up and headed to Steinaker. This year the water is crazy high, and there wasn't a lot of beach. Add to that there were a ton of people there swimming, so "fishing" is a relative term. Yes the boys were casting and reeling, but there were no hooks involved. We just left the plugs on their poles. They never missed a beat. They thought it was great! Luckily we also brought swimsuits and lots of sand toys.

As I was looking through my pictures for this post, I realized that most of them are of Claire! For one, she's the one that played close to Mama on the beach and for two, she's in a really cute stage right now.
We had to try and keep a treat in her hand while she was playing in the sand.....

I think you can see why. Mmmmm....tasty, gritty mud.

She absolutely loves the water and it was so funny to watch her play. If she got too unsteady on her feet, she would just crawl through the water. And crawl, and crawl and crawl. I had to watch her closely because she would just keep right on going whether her head went under or not!

After the boys finally abandoned their poles, Claire thought she'd have a go at fishing.

Cute, cute,


And....Brandon made me pose for a picture "to prove that I was there". I guess the fact that I take a million pictures isn't sufficient evidence.

Emma was a sweetheart, and was asleep from the moment we got there.

The mighty fishermen!

You might think that without bait and real fish this was a dud. Oh no. That didn't deter these boys for even a second. And it was kind of nice to just let them reel and cast to their hearts content and never have to worry about rebaiting a hook or anything.

Drew had a hard time deciding between fishing and swimming. The compromise was to head way out in the water to do his casting. That way he could dip in whenever he wanted.

This cute girl had a blast as well.

She spent most of her time swimming with her Dad.

The "big kids" even got a great game of catch going.

And a few hours later.....Emma was still like this. What a good girl!

We thoroughly enjoyed a nice relaxing day at the beach as a family.

1 comment:

Rikki said...

Cute! I laughed out loud when I got to the picture of Drew fishing in water up to his waist. What a kid.