June 27, 2011

A Little "Potty" Humor

In case anyone needs a good laugh....here are a couple of little funnies from our family to yours.

A couple weeks ago at a T-ball game I noticed that the catcher was doing that special little dance. So, at the risk of being that humiliating mom, I called out to him and asked if he needed to go potty, (cause let's face it, peeing your pants during a game can't be more humiliating than that). He did, and ran off the field to take care of business. Andrew decided he needed to go too, (of course) so I brought Paige, left Claire with some fellow Phillies moms and headed off for the restrooms. Sigh. Don't you ever wish that it were socially okay for little boys to use a tree at the park? Because of course the restrooms were as far away from the T-ball fields as they could be. (Really?! For the littlest kids?) When I realized this, I scooped up Paige and tugged on Andrew and told Parker to run as fast as he could so he wouldn't miss much of the game. It was a bit of a struggle getting us all there and I was annoyed. The boys beat my pregnant waddle by about 5 yards and headed on in to the boys restroom. I caught up just in time to see Andrew notice an older gentleman on his way out of the restroom wearing a cowboy hat. Andrew waved at him, looked up and said, "Hey cowboy! You goin' potty?!" To which the cowboy tipped his hat and replied, "Yes sir," with a friendly smile. That right there was enough to help me laugh away my frustration at the incident. ;)

My kids are beyond impressed with cowboys. Every time we see a man with a cowboy hat on they wave enthusiastically and turn to me with a not so discreet, "Mom! Is that a real cowboy?" The best was at Walmart; there was an older gentleman riding in a motorized cart wearing a cowboy hat. He of course had to be a real cowboy. I mean, he had a sort of horse, didn't he?! Lucky for us we crossed paths many times during that shopping trip and it kept my kids quite entertained.

Back to the potty theme......around our house, "peanut" is the term used to refer to the body part that makes little boys different from girls. Having 2 of each gender so close in age, these things aren't a mystery at our house, but occasionally you'll hear Paige trying to argue that she indeed does have a peanut. Well, apparently I've finally gotten through to her that she doesn't and that's okay. The other night when tucking her in bed, I whispered "good night peanut" (as peanut was not a body part, but a term of endearment growing up in my parent's house). Paige laughed her cute little evil maniac laugh and said to me, "Mom, I not a peanut, I a nakey bum!" Silly me.....silly me.


Pokemon said...

Too cute. Too good. I love it!

Mindy said...

So cute!! Someday when Brandon gets his horse I'll have him put his chaps and hat on and give the boys a show. :)

Unknown said...

I love this post! :)

If you ask Addison what the difference between boys and girls is, she'll say "Girls like pink and boys like blue". It was so funny hearing her and a neighbor boy arguing because he told her that he was a boy and he liked pink. She WAS NOT having any of it! Can you tell we don't have brothers in our house?

Ashlee said...

Haha! I love it! That Andrew is so cute! I love little ones for being so friendly and open even with people they have never met. Such a darling story...

Speaking of cowboys... it made me think of this blog Corey found called "1001 rules for my unborn son."

He has a rule about cowboy hats:


it's at the bottom and goes with the picture of LBJ.

And PS- My boys yesterday were asking about whether I had what they had... and I told them NO but couldn't summon the strength to tell them what I DO have. Bad mom. Bad mom. Do you have a term for what girls have? I got away with "birth canal," for a while- and that worked until they asked if that's where girls pee- and I told them no. I'm so not good at this part of parenting! I just put them off till later, but I know I need to go back and teach them correctly. Darn it.

Brit said...

Ha! I loved that Drew asked the cowboy if he went potty! And Paige's comment cracks me up. They are just so dang cute!