May 23, 2011

"T" is for T-Ball

Because I'm totally that kind of mom, I'm going to subject you all to a post of poor quality photos, (I think one even has my thumb in it) to show off the awesomeness of my son. ;) Without further adieu, the T-Ball star:
These pics are from his first practice. I haven't had a chance to get any better ones from a game because we've had two rained out already, and lets face it, I'm busy wrangling the other three during the games. But oh boy, do I cheer when this little guy is up to bat. Who knew I would learn to love sitting through a baseball game? And really, if I could go back in time and tell my younger self that any sort of talent in the sports arena would be beneficial to me as a mom....I'd have tried a heck of a lot harder back in the day.

So here's my little man fielding a grounder......(uh, if I said that wrong, I'll have Brandon correct me later).
Getting some batting tips from his awesome coach. Yes, I'll admit, I have a thing for the coach. ;)
And running the bases.
No, I could not be any prouder.


Mindy said...

Does Brandon know you're hot for the coach? ;) My boys both have games tonight if your kids want to come watch some baseball. :)

Ashlee said...

What a cutie! Yay Parker! We are cheering all the way from IL! Can you hear us?

Brit said...

awwww he looks so stinkin cute in his uniform! How fun! I just got home from Utah so steal Brandon's phone sometime and call me :-)